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*set about three years after the Giant War*

Pippin POV

For her 16th birthday, instead of having a huge party, Holly had to leave for a solo quest. I, of course, didn't find out about this until 3 days after she left, and I was not happy.

When Lily came up to me and explained where she was, I almost slapped her. "You're kidding."

"No," she muttered sadly. "But I do have something for you." She handed me a hand-written letter from Holly.

"She actually wrote this?" I asked in disbelief.

"In Ancient Greek." Okay, that made more sense.

I read it aloud, easily translating it to English. "Hey Genius. If you're reading this, who knows where I am at this point. I'm so sorry I didn't tell you anything, I was only told about this maybe two hours before I left. If it wasn't Lily who handed this to you, be sure to murder the Stolls for me." We both laughed at this part.

"It kinda sucks that I can't have a Sweet Sixteen, even though it'll end up just being a video game tournament or something. Anyway, I shouldn't be gone longer than a week or two, so see you then! ~Holly."

"She got off topic a lot," Lily noted.

"It's Holly," I pointed out. "She's always off topic."


~a month later~

Holly still wasn't back. The only people who didn't think she was dead by this point were me, Lily, and Daniel. We'd seen her fight in the Giant War. We knew she could handle whatever was thrown at her by this point.

I had postponed the burning of her shroud as long as I could. Chiron finally told me to give it up. I didn't, but proceeded to watch as they burned her shroud.

Chiron silently beckoned me to go speak for her. I was not allowing her to be dead. Whatever this was, she could handle it. I shook my head.

Chiron looked very surprised, but let Lily speak. I knew she didn't believe Holly was dead either, and the determined look in her eyes was a dead giveaway, but she went up anyway.

I didn't listen to most of what she said, mainly because I had just remembered something. I quickly stood up. "Chiron, sir?"

He looked alarmed. "Pippin, what is it?"

"Has anyone thought to tell her brother about this?" Everyone's faces turned from sadness to horror.

Chiron looked terrified. "I did not think to tell him," he murmured. Since Percy was now 20, he wasn't at camp anymore. He and Annabeth moved away to a small home in Manhattan, not far from their apartment.

When we told him, Percy was extremely upset, horrified, and completely furious. I could see why; if Holly didn't tell me, she wouldn't tell him.

They got to camp in about ten minutes, Annabeth trying not to cry, probably for my sake. Percy actually was crying, but when we tried to ask about it he have us a death glare.

As the ceremony went on, I heard a small, weak female voice in the background begging for help. I decided to help her out, assuming it was a new camper.

"Can you make it to where everyone else is?" I asked gently.

There was an awkward silence before the girl replied. "I don't think I can..."

I stood up. "Can you describe your surroundings?" I walked around, looking for her.

After a moment, she replied, "Behind you, look down." I did what she said, and nearly had a heart attack.

I was surprised Holly was even conscious. By the looks of it, she had gone through the Giant War again.

I didn't want to hurt her anymore than she already was, so I asked a simple question. Well, I was going to, but a very furious Percy beat me to it.

"WHAT THE DUCK HAPPENED TO YOU!?!" He screamed at her. He actually did say duck, which I was thankful for.

I have never seen Holly look more terrified.


I had a way more gentle approach. "Holly, can you tell us what happened?"

She still seemed intimidated by Percy, but she nodded. Basically, she stopped Octavian from taking over the world.

Percy switched from being mad at her to being extremely proud. "Good girl," he said, patting her head. Holly winced slightly.

He noticed and stopped. "Sorry," he muttered. Then he realized something. "Did Octavian do this to you?!"

Holly smiled nervously. "Well-" She was interrupted by Percy's screaming of rage.

She turned to me. "Can you just take me to the infirmary?" I nodded.

After we got her settled in, I went to get the Apollo kids. When I came back, she was drifting out of consciousness.

I sat next to her and kissed her forehead. "I'm glad you're back," I told her.

She smiled. "So am I." She fell asleep, making me feel very happy with the world for giving me my girlfriend back.

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