¹ Calling A Come Back

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Khadija Quinn

Chucalissa, Mississippi. I missed this place like crazy. I drop my bookbag on top of one of my suitcases while pulling out my phone about to call my big sister.

“Bitch don't you call my phone you just stepped off that damn train. "I turn around and smile before rushing into her arms, she laughs and hugs me tighter rocking us side to side, when we pull away she holds my arms looking at me. “Still looking good girl. I missed you so much. It's good to have you back." I smile and grab her hand. “I feel the same way big sis, I missed P-Valley. No where else is like it." She tightens her grip on my hand before I turn and grab my bags, she grabs my bookbag and we are getting into her car heading home. As we head home she tells me how everyone is and what's still here or what's gone.

“I'm assuming Sister Woodbine is still at the same church? "She nods as we pull up to the house, she gives me Terricka's room and I look around it before looking back at her. “I'll be out of your—" She grabs my hand and looks me dead in the eyes. “There's no rush, take your time. I want you here. Please. "I smile and nod before she smiles and let's go of my hand gently before saying something about letting me get settled before we head to the Pynk tonight. I check the time and see it's already six, I find a outfit before rushing to the bathroom and showering off the stale train ride before getting dressed, my jeans riding my hips with a sheer crop top, I leave out of the bathroom with Mercedes walking in right behind me closing the door getting ready. I rub Black before doing my edges low-key wincing from the tenderness of my braids.

I go down to the basement looking for my boxes finding my shoes, I go through them finding my heels, I wipe them down before putting them on remembering the last time I wore them. My second to last dance at the Pynk when I finally decided to take the first step towards my future. I don't remember the last time I wore heels this high and wasn't dancing. School and even life in general kept me out of heels made like this. I wore heels everyday here in P-Valley, I was determined to be Mercedes height at least. Plus I didn't like anyone looking down at me. Still don't if I'm being honest.

“Baby you ready?! "I stand up and I jog up the stairs before grabbing my purse, she looks me up and down and I lean back looking at her. “What? Something don't look right?" She shakes her head and smiles. "Just seeing how you've grown up so much. You're so beautiful." I smile and hip bump her as we leave out. “I get it from my big sister. Let's go I miss uncle Clifford and Gidget." I get my hair into my lap as I close the door, her bag is tossed in the back before she starts up the car pulling out onto the street.

“It's some new bitches there, and girl they are a piece of work. Prepare yourself." I chuckle and nod. “I ain't worried bitches know who to test and who not to, you've always had a warm aura that's why you've always had people try you. Can smell that big heart from miles away." She shakes her head and sighs. “Tell me about it, but aye in another few weeks I'll be finished with it and I won't have to worry about it." I nod.

“I can't wait to see you upgrade, Cedes You and your girls deserve it." She smiles and nods. “I do don't I? Yeah I do."

When we park behind the Pynk and get out she opens the door letting me walk in first, as soon as I do, I hear screaming and I look seeing Keyshawn and Gidget rushing for me, I smile and hug both as we rock side to side, I pull away as they both grab a hand. “Look at our Draco! You look good girl! "I smile and look around before Keyshawn drags me to their area where they are getting prepared, as she fixes her bang I notice a bruise on her neck. I sigh and lean against the counter.

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