10. The Dirty Dream

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Diamond POV

I blink away the sleep as I look over at the clock, 7:12 am, I squint looking outside before hearing the rumbling of thunder no wonder it's darker than usual in here. I turn over seeing brown skin somehow shining in the grey light of the morning sky and a fluffy ass mane. Whatever perfume she wears is prominent as hell, I can still smell it even past my own stuff. I like it though.

I slide my eyes down her back that's exposed to me, the dragon down her spine with its reds, greens and black has me tracing it, her body shivers before hiking her leg up settling down, the memories of last night sends a wave of heat down my body. I feel a surge of electricity through my gut when I hear her let out a slightly louder exhale and I pull her into me and she turns over, her chunky cheeks are mushed making her pout, her eyebrows frowned. I look at her waist and the smooth incline up to her hip as I trail my fingers across it and she huffs exhaling as she tries to readjust her body, I leave her alone and stretch out.

Stop movin'” I feel her move closer and I look at her as she lays her head on my pillow, her eyebrows are still down turned her lips no longer pouting with the pressure of her cheeks but she still looks like she's thinking. How does someone have a resting bitch face asleep? I turn to my side looking at her, I look down at her body, the darker rings of her areolas catch my attention as the shadows make them darker, her left hand cupping her right breast. I look at the tattoo on her hip, the blanket almost covering it, I drag my hand across it before she jerks her hip and I hear her clear her throat before her eyes flutter open. She frowns sitting up on her elbow one of her eyes stay squinted closed as she blinks the other to clear it. She looks at me and that's when the eye opens before she smiles laying back down her shoulder hitting mine. She looks over at me.

"Someone was sleeping good." She nods and digs her head deeper into the pillow looking up at me with those eyes, in this light they look black, but they still hold mischief just the same, satisfaction too. " I did, I barley sleep so peacefully. I haven't in a while. I wonder why. "I chuckle and pull her closer, her leg lays across my lap and I rub it up and down palming her ass. She looks over at the clock before looking at me, I feel a wave of heat run through my body as she looks up through her eyelashes, the heat ending in my dick. I rub her cheek and she leans into it before kissing my pec. The heat of her center making me harder and I pull closer, I turn on my side her leg now over my hip so we touching in every way. Her breaths shallow against my chin.

“You know... I never noticed you had this many tattoos.” She frowns and I grin as she looks down at the ones visible to her.

“Really? That's usually what catches people's attention especially the ones I have.” I trace the two bands that's a little thicker than my finger on her thigh.

“What you get em for?” I see her eyes are closed and she exhales pushing closer to me but turns on her back so her torso is tilted to me but her shoulders are on the bed. I watch as she cups her breast not in a sexual way but just holding them with obvious squeezes here and there.

“When I was younger I was a chunky lil kid, Mercedes was skinny and even though we were fed the exact same, did the exact same things all the time, I was still big, Patrice used to get this measuring tape that came with her sewing kit and she would measure my waist, my left forearm, my right ankle and my left thigh every month, and it didn't matter if I stayed the same, lost or gained she was never happy...” Her left arm detaches from her breast and she holds it up, you can see the black bands contrast her brown skin before she speaks. Her eyes finally open but they're low. Until I hit puberty and I lost my stomach, my breast filled out my face lost the baby fat, my ass got fat and my hips spread due to woman hood and not because I smelt bacon. I got them as a little inside joke for myself. It's not as traumatic as my therapist makes it seem though, I don't have a complex or a bad relationship with food or my weight in anyway, I learned early on to ignore Patrice and her weird shit.” I nod still rubbing at the bands. Her eyes flutter to me and I stare at her, I glance at her lips and she lifts up and kisses me. I turn so I'm over her, her arms pull me closer.

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