Chapter 2

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I just arrived at the airport and Simon was meant to pick me up but he was late, as usual. I giggled a bit at the thought.

I remembered some of the times he was late, but then I heared something behind me.

"(Y/N), (Y/N)", it was simon, and he was running towards me, already breathing heavy. He reached me and gave me a big brotherly hug, just like always.

"Are you mad at me?", he asked worried "I'm sorry that I'm late, but i had a nap and I didn't hear the alarm go off."

"Nah, I am not mad. I weren't expecting you to be here on time anyways", I laught.

"Rude", he says smiling, as he picked up my stuff and took it to his car.


The car ride to the sidemenhouse was a little bit longer then I expected, I actually fell asleep on the way there.

Simon woke me up softly as we arrived. He got my bags out of the car and opened the door of the passengerseat.

"C'mon sleepyhead, get out of the car and come meet some of the sidemen.", Simon says as he leads the way to the house.

"Wow, this house is huge!", I say as I walk through the door.

Right after I entered the building, the door closed behind me and three guys came out of a room, what I assumed was the kitchen.

"Hi, I am (Y/N). Simons sister." I said, blushing a little bit.

"Hey (Y/N)!", they all said at the same time.

"So (Y/N), this is Josh, this is Vikk and this crazy dude is JJ.", Simon say, refering to the guys.

They all hugged me then.

"Welcome to the sidemenhouse (Y/N), we will have a lot of fun!", JJ says, laughing his famous laugh.

Then Simon puts his arm around my shoulder and tells the boys: "Just to clear things up guys, if you hurt her in anyway or pull a prank on her you will be dead as fuck!".

After that Simon showed me my room, which was the guestroom, and I fell asleep right away... It was a long day after all and Simon said something about filming a footballvideo tomorrow so I better get some sleep.

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