Chapter 18

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▪Your POV▪

After that kind of weird moment at the frontdoor Simon, Harry and I decided to join Vik in the livingroom again.

"How long will you be staying Harry?", Vik asks as we enter the room.

"As long as you want me here!", he says, sitting down on the couch taking up most of the space.

"And where are we gonna sit?", Simon asks pointing between me and him.

"Well, my cuddle buddie can sit with me!", he smirks and pulls me down onto the couch on top of him,"and Simon you can either cuddle with Vik over there or you get a chair."

"Uhg fine", he says and rolls his eyes.

We sat there for a while, me and Harry smiling at each other once in a while.
He had his arms around my shoulder and I would say we looked pretty cute like that.

That is when Josh comes into the room with a vlogging camera in his hand.

Oh shit. What will the fans say when they see us like that.
Calm down (Y/N) everything will be fine.

"SO GUYS, here we have these four, lazy as always just laying around and playing video games.", Josh says into the camera.

"I am not playing, I am just watching!", I protested.

"Yeah, alright, (Y/N) is only watching then. And she is cuddling with a wild wroetoshaw. She is only here for about a week and a half now but these two have bonded already! What do you always scream around the house (Y/N)?", Josh jokes.

"Wait, Wait! Vik let's do a impression!", Simon says.

They both jumped up from their seasts, throw their arms in the air and shout.

"WHOOO BEST BUDDIES!", They both scream at the same time. I had to blush really hard at that.

We all laughed and Josh put his camera away to join the game the other boys were playing, I dont even know what that was.

Later that evening we all got something to eat and watched some movies. It was a pretty cool day to be honest. Especially since Harry is here again.

After we watched the last movie we all decided to go to bed. Simon, Vik and Josh already left the room so me and Harry were alone. The second time that day.

"Sooo, I hope your fans dont get mad at me because of that cuddle session!", I laughed.

He walk up to me and hugs me lightly.

"Why should they?", He asks.

"I don't know, but you know fangirls are crazy!", I giggle.

"Yeah, but they already love you. The feedback on the other videos were all great and I even saw someone posting a screenshot of us hugging and they were like 'I ship it'... So I dont think they will mind if we cuddle.", he smiles.

"Alright, thanks Harry!", I smiled."But I guess I will go to bed now aswell! Goodnight Harry"

"Goodnight (Y/N)!", he said and then gave me a kiss on the cheek, making me blush again.

I went to bed then... But I couldn't fall alseep soon. There was too much in my head to sleep. Too much thoughts about Harry.

Simon's Sister (A W2S fanfic)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt