Chapter 12

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▪Your POV▪

"(Y/N)!! Come downstairs, Harry is leaving!", Simon shouted.

I ran down the stairs and stoped at the frontdoor, were everyone was standing and saying goodbye to Harry.

"It will be quiet when you're gone!", I said smiling at Harry.

He laught and pulled me in for a hug.

"Bye (Y/N), bye guys see you all soon", Harry.

"Bye Harry, text me when you arrived at home.", I smiled at him.

"I will!", he answered.

And then he was gone.

~~~▪Josh's POV▪~~~

"(Y/N) we will go grocery shopping soon. Are you ready?", I asked (Y/N).

"Yeah, I am, I just need to put my shoes on.", she answered.

(Y/N) quickly put her shoes on, and we went to the car after I told all the boys we would be gone.

---At the store---

Me and (Y/N) just arrived at the store and got out of the car.

"What to we need to get besides eggs?", (Y/N) asked me.

"Some usual stuff, some snacks, some drinks and so on!", I answered.

"Okay", she answered smiling.

40 minutes later we got all the stuff and payed for it.

"(Y/N) do you want to get some food at Nandos?", I asked her.

"Yeah, I would love to.", she answered.

▪Your POV▪

Me and Josh were grocery shopping and are currently on our way to Nandos to get some food.

We arrived at the restaurant and ordered our food, as my phone vibrated to signal me that I had a new message.

Harry :): Hey (Y/N), I just wanted to tell you that I arrived at home. What are you doing right now? :)

I smiled as i read the message.

"Uhhhh is (Y/N) texting her boyfriend?", Josh smirked at me.

"What? I don't have a boyfriend Josh", I told him.

"Who texted you then?", Josh asked as he ate some of his food.

"Harry did, I told him to text me when he arrived at home.", I answered Josh and texted Harry back.

Me: I am at Nandos with Josh at the moment. :) what about you?

Me and Josh sat there in silence for a few minute eating our food as Josh broke the silence.

"What is going on between you two?", he asked me.

Oh my god what did he just say?!? Don't freak out (Y/N)!

"Uhm nothing, we just get along pretty well.", I lied a bit.

I actually had a little bit of a crush on Harry but nobody has to know. I don't even know If Simon would approve. I mean me dating one of his best mates could be weird for him.

"I think you would be a cute couple!", Josh said smirking.

"Josh stop it", I said laughing "you don't know what you're talking about."

We went back to the sidemenhouse after that and I saw I got another textmessage from Harry.

Harry :): Oh I am jealous! Now I want Nandos aswell! :( I'm about to film another video for my channel. I already miss you guys! :D

Me: We/I miss you aswell Harry! :D When will you come to the sidemen house again? :)

Harry :): I don't know yet. But I will tell you if there will be something new. :)

Me: Okay, I can't wait. :)

Harry :): Me either! :) xx

I went to bed after that and fell asleep immediately.

Simon's Sister (A W2S fanfic)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt