part 25

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Mia's POV
"I'm sorry why does someone need to replace him" Amelia asked them "because that spot is now open to which we need to fill" Bailey said
"yeah I know that! but why now?" Amelia said to Bailey "why wait any longer" Jackson said which that comment may have started things

"why now we have Callie with us" Amelia said her voice was raised a little "Amelia because we need more than Callie right now" Jackson
said "no you don't you want" Amelia said her voice was raised "no we need! he is dead and you need to get over that he died and he is not coming back why because he died so that leads us to needing a new surgeon" Jackson raised his voice at Amelia which I didn't like

"Shut up we don't need at new surgeon right now you all want one and not to mention you all had a friendship with him so for you all to say he is dead now so we need to replace him it's kinda hurtful to the people he loved" I told them now I was looking at Jackson

"and you if you ever raise your voice at her again talk to her like that again I will make your life hell! don't test me" I told him "ok Mia I think we need to calm down" April said trying to keep everything cool

"no mr.millionaire thinks he can talk to her any way so no I won't calm down" I said now mad at this whole situation "and you act like you don't have daddy's money I mean he probably is helping with your kids right" Jackson told me smiling my past is not something I talk about my dad was a very wealthy person but he was also mentally and physically abused me and just so happen me and Jackson's dad know each other

"you ever say that out loud or bring my daughters into this I'll slap the shit out of you" I told him before turning around and just leaving the conference room

Amelia's POV
Mia just went off on Jackson at first I thought it was about the whole link situation but now I know it's about more than just this link thing Jackson did the lowest thing and brought up her dad which she doesn't talk about often to me or anyone else for that matter

"ok meeting over" Bailey said then I ran out the room going to find Mia but I turned back around to inform Arizona "zona can you please check up on my girls I have a feeling this will take hours" I told her she nodded then I was now on my way to go find Mia

I was looking everywhere for her then I checked the last place she normally goes to when things get crazy. I walk in finding her just staring at the wall she turned around I don't think she thought it was going to be me

"oh it's you" she said turning back around I was taken back by her way of saying it's just
me "well did you not expect me" I said still by the door "no but I don't want to talk if that's what you're here for cause you're not going to get it" she told me still facing away from me

"ok so you're the one not blocking me out now" I told her "I'm not" she told me "but you're" I said "Amelia I don't want to talk" she told me using my full name "but you can't just run past what just happened" I said "yes we can and we will I don't want to speak of him" she told me

"we don't have to I'm just telling you to tell me how you feel" I said mind you still facing away from me "I don't want to really" she said
to me "but" I said "stop it's over just go be with the twins for now" she told me pushing me away

I walked over to her turning her chair around myself she just looked into my eyes that went on for like 5 minutes till I finally noticed her looking back down this time at her phone

"ok I guess I'll see you later than" I told her she didn't say anything back to me not even
an look she can be both mean and stubborn at the same time

I decided to go see my babies since Mia is being a butthole also I like really need to rant to Arizona about this whole situation going on she knows most of the story but not all of it

I went to the daycare and grabbed the girls real quick I just decided to sign them out because I highly doubt we are coming back here after I talk with zona we are mostly leaving

I walk down to her office and see she is just doing some paper work "hey" I said walking in with the twins car seats in both of my arms "finally you brought the girls" Arizona said now focused on the girls I look down at the girls and see that one out of two of them is asleep

"I'm assuming riles never sleeps" Arizona said
"no but her sister sleeps all the time" I told her taking out riles "how was Mia" she asked me "she was being a butthole and stubborn as hell she told me to go and find the twins instead" I told Arizona

"she just pushed you away" she asked me "yes then when I asked her how are you feeling she wouldn't even answer me it's like I didn't even exist in the room with her" I ranted to her "what normally happens when you guys argue" she asked me

"I give her space but then i get too tired of that so I go and do things she likes" I told
Arizona "and vice versa" she asked now I was laughing "no if I'm mad at her it pretty much s-e-x" I spelt out the last word because of the girls

"melia think bigger but smaller" she told me "my girls..yes they can help" I said taking riles from her arms and putting her back in her car seat I rushed out the room probably leaving her very confused as to what's going on.

Happy greys day even though it's almost over.!!

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