Undeck The Halls

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"Do we really have to wear these ugly sweaters?" Haley asked

"Yeah, if i keep scratching i'll take off all my skin, and how do I stop scratching?" Sophie said

"It's just until Grandma can see them" Claire said

"My neck hole is too small" Luke said

"Mine's itchy" Alex said

"You know what?I'd rather be itchy than choky"

"Oh yeah?I'd prefer to be a little choky than have itchy everywhere" Alex said

"I agree" Sophie said

"I don't think so" Luke said

"Com on Phil,hurry up"

"Okay,here we go. Connecting"

"Come in in Florida,Mom?Dad?"

"Hello,Philip!" Frank said

"Merry Christmas eve!" All the Dunphys said

"Merry Christmas eve!" Frank said

"A little lower Dad"

"Merry Christmas eve" Frank said again putting down the camera

"Thank you,thank you for the sweaters" Claire said

"Oh,you're welcome,you look beautiful in them darling"

"Where's Mom?"

"Mom's sinking fast,she's in the bathtub,get it?"

"They have that claw foot"

"Honey come on!" Frank yelled

"Hey Pops,here's the tree,there's the ornament you sent us,right here,right here. There are the stockings hung,by the chimney by Claire".

"Ah still funny son"

"What the hell is that!" Claire yelled

"It seems like a cigarette burn.Was one of you smoking cigarette?Wich one of you was smoking?!"

"Not me!" The kids said

"Not me,I have a respiratory problem" Phil said

"Obliviously it wasn't you. Now I have a family of liars and smokers"

"Honey,you got to see this" Frank yelled

"Haley,keep that ugly sweater on" Claire told Haley since she was trying to take it off

"Anyway,merry Christmas,Dad" Pghil said then they hung up the video call

Phil and Claire were standing in front of the TV, Luke, Sophie, Alex and Haley were on the sofa

"This is unacceptable,and I want to know who did this" Claire told them

"Nobody,huh? I guess the couch did it to itself.It came home after a tough day,lit up a cigarette and then burnt itself. Is that what happened? Because that makes no sense" 

"If whoever's responsible doesn't come forward,we'll punish all four of you" Claire said

"What?That's not fair!".

"I can forgive the smoking,but I can't forgive the lie"


"Or the smoking. No one wants to confess huh?No? That's fine,because you know what happens next? We cancel Christmas"

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