Go Bullfrogs!

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"Phil is taking Haley and Sophie to visit his Alma Mater" Claire explained

"Loved college" Phil said

"Mm, we were hoping some of that enthusiasm rubs off on Haley, Sophie is basically already settled at Yale but we feel like she's a bit off the college spirit right now. Go, bullfrogs!"

"Dogs. Bulldogs. I feel like you do that on purpose" Phil told her

"No, it's just... I say "bull, " and I can't remember if it's frogs or dogs"

"When I talk to my old friends from college, do we croak or do we bark?"

"I got it"

End Interview

"No way! Girls, no way! Check it out! After a few beers, my buds and I would jump on these lunch trays and race down this same hill. Hop on" Phil said as he was already on one

"We don't want to to hop on" Haley said

"Seriously, you'll get the giggles"

"We don't want the giggles" Sophie said

"Hey, honey. How's the trip going?" Claire asked to Phil through the phone

"So good"

"Go, bullfrogs"

"It's dogs" he corrected her

"Oh, sorry. How are the girls doing?"

"They're... they're loving it. They're loving it. I showed them the student union. We visited the dorms. We sat in on a class. I really think Haley starting to see what college has to offer, and Sophie's starting to get into the spirit" He said waving at his daughters thinking they were waving at him, while they were waving to two boys

"Oh, hang on, Claire. Go, bulldogs!" He cheered with the chearleaders


"Was I wrong? Are these not the best wings you've ever had in your life?" Phil asked the two girls

"Oh, my God" they both said

"And you didn't wanna get 40. Oh, and by the way, this is just the start of your evening. Next up, it's over to the quad for a musical interlude from tenors, anyone? It's an all-male singing group..." Phil explained

"Got it" Sophie said

"Weren't you two on my tour this morning?" A girl asked Sophie and Haley

"Yeah, I'm Haley, this is my sister Sophie and this is our d..."

"Big Brother. You bought it for a second. How are you?" Phil said

"Okay. Anyway, you know what? There is a student mixer going on tonight. If you two wanna go, me and a bunch of other girls are gonna head over there" The girl said

"Oh! Uh, you know what? That's okay" Haley said

"Our dad's got this whole thing planned... but thank you anyway" Sophie said 

"No problem. Well, it was nice meeting you girls"

"Nice meeting you" Sophie and Haley said

"How fun is this? Just me and you girls. I was a little nervous you wouldn't see what's so special about this place. Not that I'm pushing you to come here. You know, you're... you're both gonna make your own decisions" Phil said

"You both wanna go with them, don't you?" Phil asked his daughters

"No, we're doing our thing" Sophie lied

"Yeah, quick. Before they leave" Phil said

"Are you sure?" Haley asked

"Go. I can handle it. You're not the first girls to leave me at this table with a plateful of chicken wings. I'm kidding! I wish I was kidding. You weren't supposed to hear that. Have fun" 


"Love you" Phil said

"Love you" Sophie and Haley said


"Claire would have killed me if she'd known that I let Sophie and Haley go off alone while I chilled in a bar with some undergrads, but I happen to trust my daughters" Phil said

"Also, I was tracking their location with the GPS on their phone"

End Interview

"Oh, no, you don't" Phil said taking both Haley and Sophie's drinks

"Dad, what are you doing here?" Haley asked

"What are these, buddies?" Phil asked to the guys who were with his daughters

"Ginger ale" One of the guys said

"Oh, really? 'Cause it smells...Okay, it smells like ginger ale. But that doesn't prove anything"

"What the hell?" Sophie said

"We are leaving" Phil said

"We're having a nice time with..." Sophie started talking but was interrupted by Phil

"With these clowns? And by the way, it's a little cliche to pick someone who looks exactly like your dad" 

"I got your numbers, Pi Chi. I know you two" Phil said looking at the guys

"Yeah, you do. This is John Wheeler he's in my class" Sophie said

"And this is Ben Ford he's in mine" Haley said

"They're visiting, too" Sophie told him

"You were my T-ball coach. My dad's your doctor" Ben said

"And mine works with you" John said

"They're right over there" The boys said

"What is wrong with you? Are you trying to ruin college for us before we even get here?" Haley asked

"No, I-I'm not. I am so sorry. You two are not clowns. You were an excellent backup shortstop. And you've always been a really nice boy" He said looking at the boys


"Please? Please, just listen to me for one second" Phil said following the girls

"Go away! Stop following us!" Haley yelled to him

"Hey, you wanna tell me why you're bothering these young ladies?" an officer asked

"Oh, no, no, no, no. Officer, these are my daughters. Tell him" 

"Tonight, I don't know who you are" Sophie said

"She's... she's joking. I'm not dangerous. In fact, I-I-I helped to put all the lights on this path. 20 years ago, some friends and I took back the night. So... I-I think I just... I embarrassed them a little" Phil explained

"A little"?" Sophie asked sarcastically

"That sweatshirt embarrasses me "a little." Sophie said as Haley nodded

"Yep, those are daughters" the officer said leaving

"Why did you have to act like that?" Sophie asked 

"You were at that party. I see you talking to frat boys, and..."

"Isn't that why we're here, so we can experience college? I mean, what are you gonna do when we actually go?" Sophie asked him

"I don't know. Freak out, I think. Look... your whole lifes, my job has been to protect you girls... a job I kinda love. Now I feel like I'm being forced into early retirement. I just needed to find you and make sure you were okay... for as long as I still get to do that"

"Just like you... piss me off and then say something sweet"

"We're not leaving until the fall" Haley told him

"Maybe by then I can figure out how to put a force field around both of  you. I've been working on that one since the first time I tried to fasten you girls into your car seats. I pinched your chunky little thighs"

"Even though you basically just called us fat. So... is it really fun?" Sophie asked looking at the lunch trays

"What? No!" Phil said excited, as the three of them got on one 

"We all struggle with limitations...Some we're willing to accept..." Claire voice said

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