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Part 2. This Chapter Will Also Be Split. When I Use This Symbol • It'll Be Trigga's POV.

|Blue's POV|

I watched as the guys ran out of the warehouse, and heard their tires screetching. I glanced back at Tymir, who was looking at me.

"Are you sure you want to kill Reina?" He asked. I looked at him like he was crazy, what type of question is that?

"Yeah, why wouldn't I?" I asked, walking out of the warehouse. Completely ignoring Terrance's mother.

"Because man.." He said, jogging beside me. "Isn't she carrying your baby?"

I stopped and froze. I had forgot all about that, because I was too busy focused on hurting Reina.

"I mean, I don't know if she is or isn't.." I sighed. "She could be lying."

Tymir nodded and said nothing else. We walked over to Brandon's car and unlocked it.

"Aye man, when is our next meeting with the Italians?" Tymir asked. "They seemed uneasy about doing business with us."

"You have a point, but if they don't work out I have some other connects in mind."

We got inside the car and pulled off. I was going to go get something to eat and then back to the hotel where everyone else was at. I had no idea where the guys are.

"I miss my kids." Tymir sighed. "I hope they're alright. Reina could have popped up and took them by now."

"You really think my mama would let her take them?" I side-eyed him. "And I doubt she went way to New York."

"You know how Reina's ass plays the victim. She could have brainwashed your mom, you know she's naive. And I would never put shit past her."

And he was right. My mama was just too damn nice for her own good.

"Speaking of mama's, I need to speak with Gabrielle."

"Yeah, you do that.." He laughed. "Then again, she probably doesn't want to talk to you after what you did."

"I wouldn't give a fuck, 'cause she's not the woman who raised me." I shrugged.

"You right, but you don't want to at least build a relationship with her?"

"I mean, it would be nice. But if not, oh well.. life goes on."

He chuckled and said nothing else until we got to the chinese place. I was planning on ordering for everybody.

I picked up my phone and dialed Mille's number, she picked up right away.

"Hello?" She whispered.

"Why you whispering?" I asked.

"Because I just got Bj to sleep, hold on let me lay him down."

I waited for awhile, until she came back to the phone.

"Okay, wassup?"

"Y'all want chinese food?"

"Yes! You already know my usual, and let me ask everybody else."

I chuckled.

"Okay, Tyson and Malik both want what I got and your mom wants a sesame chicken combination."

"Alright, we'll be there in a few. Love you little bit."

"Love you too." She replied, hanging up.

"Grab your pistol." Tymir whispered, nodding to two guys dressed casually, but I could tell by their demeanor they were dangerous.

"Go outside." I told him. "I'll meet you there."

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