Ch. 22

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|Brian's POV|

I stood outside of Briyanna's elementary school, patiently waiting for her teacher to escort the class out. My babygirl was now in 3rd grade and smart as hell.

5 minutes later she came skipping out, and smiled once she seen me. "Daddy!" She yelled, running towards me.

I picked her up and kissed her cheeks as she giggled. I love this little girl more than anything, she was my heart. The only child who didn't hate me.

"I missed you daddy." She smiled.

"I missed you too princess." I replied, helping her into my car. I placed the seatbelt around her and hopped in the driver's seat.

I pulled off and turned the radio down just a little bit.

"How was school?" I asked.

"Good! Next week we're learning how to write in cursive."

"Damn, already.." I mumbled, not realizing I cussed in front of her.

"Ooh, you said a bad word.." She taunted.

"I'm sorry, and I'm taking you to your grandmother's today." I told her. I stopped at mcdonalds to get her something to eat.

We got out and I held her hand.

"Am I spending the night?" She smiled. "I like staying with grandma, especially when Bj and little T is there."

"No, it's a school night. But you can stay the weekend, and why do you like hanging around boys?" I questioned her. I never hear her talk about having any female friends. Just her nephew and little T.

"Because.. girls aren't any fun." She told me. I chuckled and shook my head. It wasn't a problem now, but that'll change once she gets older.

"What you want babygirl?" I asked, looking over the menu.

"Happy meal."

I nodded and waited on the cashier. She finally came to me, after what seemed like forever. And to be honest, it really irritated me.

"Welcome to mcdonald's, how may I help you?" She politely asked. No attitude, that's good.

"Yes, I would like a happy meal and a big mac meal."

"And your two drinks?"

"High-C and a sprite."

She rung it up and I gave her a twenty.

"Alright, here's your change. And your order number is 255."

I nodded, taking the receipt and balling it up. I never found any good use in them. They were worthless.

After our number was called, I grabbed Briyanna by the hand again and lead her outside.

"Daddy, when can I see my brothers again?" She asked once we got to the car. I had no problem with her seeing Tyson and Malik, but Brandon was a different story. I heard about his little problem, and he wasn't bringing that around my daughter.

Tyson and Malik just never came around anymore. I guess they were too busy in college to come see their sister, despite our problems, but they often called for her.

"I don't know sweetheart." I sighed, driving towards my mother house. I surely hope Gabrielle wasn't there.

She was staying with my mom, because she didn't want to live alone. So until she found a man, that's where she resides. Well, that's how I see it.

Briyanna was quiet for the rest of car ride, silently eating her food. She'd probably take a nap afterwards.

Making my car stop, I huffed. I have alot of things to do today.

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