Chain Training

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Po and Tigress gently placed the statue in front of their master. Shifu smiled seeing the statue in perfect condition, free of any rice bits and dust. The Ruby was perfectly shining above the engraved Oogway as well.

"That was fun." Po commented with a smile. Tigress smiled back at him softly. Shifu noticed the chains that connected the two that they seemed to have forgotten about them as they didn't seem to notice them.

"Let's get you out of those chains." Shifu was about to turn to leave, in hopes of finding a key that would fit the lock.

"Actually Master," Tigress interrupted him. "Po and I were talking and..."

"We were hoping to get some training done like this." Po finished for her. Shifu turned to look at them, quite surprised by the duo's decision. He didn't quite believe it but the looks on their faces showed that they were very serious and almost happy with their decision.

"Are you sure?" Shifu questioned. The two warriors looked at each with a smile before nodding to their master. Shifu took a moment to look at the two warriors before dismissing them to go do their training. They both bowed respectfully before leaving the palace, their steps mirroring each other's. Shifu had thought that this simple mission was to just get the two to get along but it seemed to have done more than that.

As he watched the two warriors train, he noticed that they had come up with new moves on their own. Even ways to tie up their enemy with the chains seemed to be too easy for the duo. They also seemed to be having a lot of fun with their training. Shifu smiled at them, happy to see his two star students working so in sync. Perhaps he shouldn't tell them about his ploy with the croc bandits and how he hired them to chain them up.

He likely wouldn't hear the end of it from the pair. Still, this was probably the best idea he's had in a while. The two warriors who seemed to squabble for no reason at all, were now the most synced. He was looking forward to seeing what more they could do.

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