The Dol-er...Action Figure

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Prompt: The Dol-er....Action Figure

"Would you just leave the doll behind?!" Luthera asked once again for what seemed to be the millionth time. Luthera was getting sick of the former Dragon Master carrying around the doll for no apparent reason.

The two warriors had been on a mission for months now that they could have finished by now if he only left the doll behind. He had left the rest of his collection with his father but refused to part with this one.

"It's not a doll." He would repeat to her with some anger in his voice. "It's an action figure." She would simply roll her eyes and ignore him for the next hour or so but now, it had been far too much for her now.

"You should have just left that with your father like the other dolls." She argued.

"Action figures!" He corrected.

"Whatever!" She yelled. "It's only holding us back!"

"That's not true." Po looked like she had just insulted him.

"We could have had the gauntlet back by now if it hadn't been for that thing!" She argued. Po glanced to his bag, where his action figure was safely stored. In part, she was right.

Earlier they had been really close to capturing the gauntlet back from Klaus and Veruca, but Po noticed his special Tigress Action Figure was missing from his bag. His panic was enough of a distraction that they had gotten away. Luthera could have left him behind if she had wanted but at this point she had to admit she couldn't do it alone.

Still, Po refused to part with it. He couldn't and wouldn't. Luthera didn't understand why.

"I can't." Po told her.

"Why not? It's a doll."

"It's not just a doll." Po argued again before he sighed and walked over to the side of the path, sitting down by a tree. Luthera raised a brow, confused. Po put his bag in front of him, opening it to take out his action figure. The action figure was old but well maintained. The Tigress action figure was surely going to have a high resale value in the future, if it didn't already.

"It's my best friend." Okay, Luthera was more confused. Po understood why she would be confused. "I lost her a few years ago. At the battle with Kepa, the Demon King." Po choked. He didn't look up at Luthera. His eyes focused on his action figure. "She died in my arms and I couldn't do anything to help her." Luthera noticed his eyes were beginning to water.

"The fight destroyed everything.....except for her action figure."

Now she understood. The figure, meant a lot to him. She knew how it was to lose a loved one. It was clear to her that Po was mustering alot to not break down in front of her. She had heard of the tales of The Dragon Master and Master Tigress's adventures. The Inseparable Duo of China. No wonder she wasn't with him when Luthera met him.

It wasn't just a doll.

It was his best friend.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2022 ⏰

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