Sealing it with a Kiss

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Attempt 1.

The Dragon Warrior, Masters Rhino, Croc, Shifu and The Furious Five had stopped Lord Shen and his army. The city immediately insisted on hosting a feast for their warriors, giving an offer they simply couldn't refuse.

For once, Po wasn't interested in the feast. He was more interested in his friend who sat just across from him at the feast.

Master Tigress.

She had taken a cannonball for him right to the chest. He forcefully took Tigress to see one of the medics and luckily, and surprisingly, the only damage she had were a few minor scars and bits of pieces of fabric that stuck to her fur. Though they had suggested she got a couple of days of rest before they headed back to the palace. Despite her wishes to head back as soon as the feast was over, Shifu agreed with the medic. So they were going to stay there for a bit.

"Come in." Tigress responded to the soft knock on her door. She was sitting in bed at one of the inns that the city had provided. A single room for each member.

"Hey." Po smiled walking in and closing the door. "I thought you could've use some company." Tigress smiled seeing him.

"I suppose I could." Po grabbed a nearby chair and pulled it close to the bed before sitting down.

"How are you feeling?"

"I'm still feeling just fine Po." Tigress's smile grew. She wasn't sure what this feeling was but she liked it. "We can head out tomorrow." Po shook his head.

"I know you're upset about this but resting a few days is better than a month. Don't you think?" Tigress sighed, shaking her head and looking down. "Come on, don't look like that." Po frowned. "It's just a few days."

"I know." Tigress sighed. "I'm not upset about this." She looked at him.

"Then why are you upset?" Po raised a brow.

"You." Her stare turned to a glare.


"Yes." Her glare didn't change. "You disobeyed me. I told you to stay in Gongmen Jail." Po sighed, shaking his head.

"Look, I needed to talk to Shen."

"Po, no one more than me understands what it feels like to long to find out where you came from or what happened to your family." Po noticed how her voice cracked and her eyes saddened. "We could have found out what happened to your family after Shen's defeat. Instead, you disobeyed and you..." Tigress looked away from him. The sound of the cannon and Po's screams at the factory suddenly ringing in her ears. Po noticed how her tone changed and her ears dropped.


"Po I thought we lost you." Tigress frowned. "I thought I lost you." There was a sorrowful tone in her voice but no tear dared to escape her amber eyes. Po bit his lip before making a daring move to grab her hand, causing her to look at him.

"I thought I lost you too." Po spoke softly. "Seeing you floating in the harbor, barely even moving, I was scared to find you no longer breathing." Tigress didn't understand why but she intertwined their fingers, sending an electrifying shock through their bodies. It felt different but....absolutely right. They both knew the other felt it.

"I don't know what this feeling is Po." Tigress admitted. "I've never felt it before."

"Maybe...we can find out?" The two warriors looked into each other's eyes, their hearts beating a million miles a second as their faces inched towards each other. Neither knew what they were doing until....

"Alright Master Tigress I've come to-" The voice of the medic woke the warriors from their mini world. "I apologize. I wasn't aware you had company." The sheep apologized. Po sighed softly as he stood.

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