The Panda and The Tiger

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Prompt: Po 'accidentally' turns himself into a tiger.

Po couldn't believe his eyes. In fact, he was pretty sure he was dreaming. How this was possible was beyond his comprehension. Most things were but this was a whole new level. He couldn't leave his room like this! What were the others going to say?! Worse, what would SHIFU say?!!

He really shouldn't have messed around with the secret spell books the previous night. He had been warned about it and like most of the time, he didn't listen.

Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. He cursed to himself. What was he going to do now?! His clothes didn't even fit him!

"Po?" Po nearly jumped to the roof at the sound of Monkey's voice at his door. At least it wasn't any of the others checking on him this time. Especially her. What was she going to say about his new appearance?!

"Po? Are you okay buddy?" Monkey's voice came again.

"Uh...yeah!" Po faked a cough. "Just feeling a bit sick today." Po coughed again. "Not feeling so good today though. I think I'll stay here for the day."

"Well if you're sick let me help." Monkey suddenly opened the panda's door. The sight he had before him was not something he expected. Po covered the monkey's mouth before he could let out a scream.

"Don't make a sound." Po urged. Monkey looked at his...friend with wide eyes. Not believing what was before him. Po was not the panda they all knew. Except Po had somehow become a black and white tiger standing at about at least 6 feet 5. He was slim and muscly, his muscles really showing off on his chest. He had a significantly smaller amount of less marking than Tigress but his marking made him look very attractive and suitable for any female looking for a strong male mate. Monkey would admit that to himself but not to Po of course.

"Did you mess with the scrolls Shifu told you not to?"

"Yes." Po admitted holding his pants up with his paws. "I didn't think it would actually work!" Monkey shook his head in disbelief.

"Let me see that scroll." Po waddled over to his bed where the scroll laid on the floor beside it. Monkey walked over to him and took the scroll from him before proceeding to read it.

"Looks like it's going to wear off in a week."

"A week?!" Po groaned. "I can't stay in my room for a week!" Po sat on his bed.

"Looks like you're going to have to face the consequences then." Monkey laughed. Po looked at him unamused. Monkey smirked, getting an idea. "Looks like you'll have to see her like that too." He laughed again.

"No no." Po shook his head. "She's going to kill me."

"It's not like you two are in love Po." Monkey teased.

We are but not something you need to know right now. Po thought to himself.

"Seeing another tiger might do her good." Po shook his head again. "You'll have to face the consequences sometime anyway. Even if you plan on staying here for the whole week. It might not be as bad as you think." Po looked at his friend, not liking the idea.


Shifu and the masters of the Jade Palace were patiently waiting for Po in the kitchen. They had sent Monkey for him a few minutes ago. It was normal for Po to sleep in on days that they had a day off but today he had slept in longer than usual. Monkey walked in smiling cheekily at his master and comrades.

"Monkey, where is Po?" Shifu asked.

"Right here." Po sheepishly walked in behind Monkey. Po smiled sheepishly at the expressions his master and comrades were giving him. Shifu's jaw could have fallen down to the floor while Crane's actually did. Viper fainted at the sight and Mantis nearly laughed from shock. Tigress. He wasn't sure how to describe her. Tigress stared at him in a confused yet shocked expression. Like she had no idea how to react to this 'transformation'.

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