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Prompt: Po and Tigress are being a little too naughty where they shouldn't be

Po wasn't sure how he had gotten himself in this situation. Today was supposed to be just another normal day of training like any other. It wasn't until he decided to go to the scroll room and catch up on some of the scrolls that his day went off the trail.

He had found Master Tigress already there, reading some of the scrolls on chi. Ever since Kai's defeat the two had been training a lot with it, hoping to improve their abilities. Unbeknownst to Shifu and the rest of the five, that wasn't the only training they did in that room. Oh no. The two Warriors had begun secretly courting and the relationship had gotten more and more serious over the course of a few short months.

Given that the warriors had wanted to start courting for years now, it was no surprise to either of them how fast the relationship was moving. They were both quite comfortable with it, besides the fact that they kept it secret from everyone else. The Dragon Warrior was still unsure how he had gotten so lucky to have swooned the Master of Tiger style but he wasn't complaining.

Still, this was still sort of new for the two warriors. It wasn't everyday that the two most powerful warriors spent the day in the scroll room, making out! They both knew it was risky. Anyone could walk in on them at any time and their secret would be out. Still it didn't stop them from smothering each other in kisses. Tigress, as if this was her intention the whole time, even wore a lipstick that Viper had gifted her a while back. Po's face was covered in her kiss marks and honestly, he couldn't be any happier. The two warriors were entangled in each other's arms as they exchanged kisses. Po even took the risk of placing loving kisses over her neck, it even made the tiger giggle and mew in response.

"Po? Tigress?" Shifu's voice was what got him where he supposed.

"Oh no!" Tigress panicked as she shoved Po back. Po wasn't sure what was going on. He was still struck by the amount of kisses they had shared.

"Where are you two?" Shifu's voice came again.

"What's Master Shifu going to think of he sees us like this?" Tigress blushed furiously.

"Uh...lucky panda?" Po smirked with a wink. Tigress stared at him unbelievably as his smirk didn't falter.

"Jus- just-Shut up Po!" Tigress shoved him. Po chuckled as she pushed him into the next room.

"Tigress?" Master Shifu finally came into the room. Tigress nearly fell over as the door behind her shut and Po stood on the other side.

"M-master Shifu." Tigress sure hoped that Shifu didn't detect her nerves.

"Is everything alright?" Shifu raised a brow. He noticed how the scroll room was messier than usual and two different scrolls were left unattended.

"Of course Master." Tigress gave him a nervous smile. "Just...catching up on some scrolls." Shifu looked at his student confused. She was rather on edge.

"Are you sure about that?" Shifu asked.

"Of course!" Tigress didn't move from her spot at the door. She didn't even realize her golden Hanfu was wrinkly from her....activities. Shifu looked at her suspiciously, surely his best student would never lie to him. Right?

"Well...alright then." Shifu seemed to buy it. "Have you seen Po anywhere?"

"No." Tigress lord. "He probably went to see his fathers though. You know how it's been between the three lately." She chuckled nervously.

"Ah yes." Shifu nodded. "Well then. Carry on with....your studies." Shifu turned and left. Tigress sighed in relief as Po opened the door behind her.

"Maybe making out in the scroll room isn't our best idea." Po chuckled. Tigress looked at the panda, her kiss marks still on his face.

"Next time," Tigress wrapped her arms around his neck as he wrapped his around her waist. "We go somewhere more private." The two warriors smiled softly before sharing another passionate kiss.

"Oh and Tigress-" Shifu walked back into the room only to find Po and Tigress in a tight kiss. The two warriors' eyes widened at the sound of his voice and quickly parted their kiss. "Can't say I'm surprised." Shifu deadpanned. They had some explaining to do.

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