The Floof

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Prompt: Po lost his newly grown fluffy hair again :(

It was a peaceful and starry night as the sun had set a few hours ago. Wandering Blade and The Dragon Master had set up camp in a safe area after their yet another daring adventure of tracking down thieves from her land.

Blade never thought she would go on another adventure outside of her home but when the king asked for her, it was one of her greatest honors to accept.

"Damn it." She heard The Dragon Master, or Po, curse under his breath. She looked over to him as he sat on the ground, in front of the campfire, holding a small mirror in front of his face. He was playing with the tuff of fur he had on his head.

"What's wrong Master Po?" She asked curiously.

"It took me forever to grow my head fur now I have to start over." He groaned. Blade couldn't help but smile with a slight chuckle as she took a seat beside him. He had mentioned he had decided to grow it out just like he had as a teen. Never gave her a reason why though. Their little encounter today, though, one of the thieves cut off some of it, making it short once again.


Blade and Po were both handcuffed as the two weasels looked at them with confident smiles. The male, Klaus Dumont, swung the key in his finger, looking quite pleased they managed to capture the two warriors.

"You know you're very handsome. " The female, Veruca Dumont, walked up to Po. "It's such a shame we're enemies. You and I would have made such a cute couple." She grabbed hold of the grown fur on his head.

"Hey hands off." Po growled as he shook her off.

"Or what?" She sneered. "You have that reserved for your girlfriend or something?" She rolled her eyes.

"As a matter of fact, it is." He glared angrily. Veruca scoffed, taking out a small blade. Before Po was able to react the small tuff of fur was cut clean off. The fur falling dramatically in front of him. "There. Now neither of us get it." She rolled her eyes walking away. At least she didn't get ears.

End of Flashback

"Master Po, may we discuss something?" Blade asked, making him look up from the mirror.

"Umm...sure?" He put down the mirror beside him.

"When we first started our adventure, we spoke about how we would be leaving loved ones behind and yet you failed to speak about a significant other." She began. "You only mentioned your friends and family. Yet earlier you told Veruca you had a girlfriend. Why didn't you say anything about her earlier?" She raised a brow. Po looked at her with wide eyes for a second before sighing.

"'s complicated." He chuckled nervously.

"How so?"

"I don't have a girlfriend." He admitted. "But I have a friend who....really likes it." He chuckled. Blade noticed a spark in his eyes she hadn't seen before. "She's my best friend actually but..." he frowned. "It's all she'll ever be." He sighed laying on his back.

"Is it Master Tigress?" She asked causing him to sit up quickly looking at her in shock.

"How did you figure that out?!"

"You speak a lot about her." Blade laughed. "Also you carry the action figure of her everyday." She pointed to his satchel. Po looked over at it seeing the action figure hanging out slightly.

"Oh." Po chuckled nervously. "You noticed huh?" Blade laughed again.

"Have you considered telling her?" She laid down on her back looking at the stars. Po did the same.

"Countless times." Po sighed. "But every time I chicken out. I've accepted that the universe just doesn't want me to tell her." Blade looked at him with a sympathetic smile. "Besides, she has a kid now." Po smiled, the spark returned to his eyes. "She adopted one of the panda kids in the village so she's busy most of the time."

"I think you should tell her." She smiled. Po turned to her.


"Yeah." Blade nods looking at the stars once again. "I can help you out when we head to the Jade Palace later on if you'd like."

"Sweet!" Po smiled, putting his arms behind his head to use as support. "Thank you Blade."

"My pleasure." Blade smile. "Now rest up. I'll keep the first watch." Po didn't argue with that. It wasn't long until she heard the pandas snores. Blade smiled slightly seeing him asleep.

Blade remembered the one time she too once loved someone. Unfortunately they had been killed in battle before she could confess her true feelings. Broken-hearted she still fought for her King in hopes no other Warrior went through the same fate she did. She had been too late for her love story so she was not going to let it happen to anyone else. Especially the Dragon Master. He had been nothing but kind to her since day one. This was the least she could do for him.

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