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Prompt: Po and Tigress ask Shifu a very important question.

The topic was nothing new to the pair. They had spoken about it in passing before but overtime they became more and more serious about it.

The first time they spoke about it was after Lord Shen's defeat. Neither thought the other was serious about the topic but it still lingered in their minds.

The second time was after Kepa's defeat. That's when they realized both of them had been serious about it. It wasn't just a casual talk this time. They shared a few tears and hugs during it but nothing really resulted from it. Even though they really wanted it to.

They spoke about it for a third time after Kai's defeat only this time, they didn't want to wait anymore. They were serious. They wanted this. They knew it would be difficult but upon weeks of reading the Kung fu scrolls and Po speaking to Oogway in the spirit realm, they learned they wouldn't be breaking any rules. In fact, Oogway encouraged it and gave them their blessing.

They only had one person to face to ask. Master Shifu. They knew Master Shifu would likely give them their blessing as well but something held them back. The older master was still Tigress's adoptive father and that scared Po. Tigress on the other hand was afraid of what her father might say. What if he said no?

The pair wanted nothing but to hear that they had his blessing as well. They had both made up scenarios on how it would go and everytime they felt like they came to a dead end when it came to his final response. It was stressful for them. They had faced countless villains and yet this seemed to be their biggest challenge.

Po sighed as the thought of asking him again crossed his mind once again. He currently sat in The Dragon Grotto with him. Tigress would probably want to be there with him to do it but if he didn't do it right now, he wouldn't have the guts to do it again later.

"Master Shifu?" Po began. Shifu had his eyes closed as he sat up top of his staff. He had been meditating peacefully and he thought Po had been too. "Can I ask you an important question?" Po asked softly. Shifu opened an eye slowly before turning and giving Po his attention.

"What is it, Dragon Warrior?" Shifu raised a brow. Po stood up from the meditation pose and looked at his master with complete seriousness. Although Shifu could tell the young panda was very nervous.

"I was wondering..." Po bit his lip nervously. "I was hoping to get your blessing to..." Po took a deep breath and looked at Master Shifu in the eyes. "I was hoping to get your blessing to start courting your daughter."

Po didn't like the silence that came after he finally spoke the one sentence he had been dreading to ask for months.

"Is that it?" Shifu raised a brow. Po's eyes widened at his master's response.

"What?" Po looked at him confused and shocked. "What do you mean 'is that it'?" Po blinked rapidly at his master.

"Po, if you wanted to start courting Master Tigress, you should have long ago." Shifu smiled softly.

"Wait what?" Po was even more confused now.

"Po, if there's anyone I wish to court my only daughter, it would be you." Shifu smiled. "If I didn't know you, it would be different but thankfully, I know you well enough." Po smiled brightly.

"So you mean-?"

"Yes Po. You both have my blessing." Shifu gave the panda a small nod.

"Yes!" Po did a mini dance making the small panda chuckle. Po stopped his small dance before looking at his master. "Thank you Master Shifu!" Po smiled brightly. "Thank you! Thank you!"

"Now, go on. Before I change my mind." Shifu smiled.

"Right!" Po began to leave. "Thank you!" Po ran off. Shifu chuckled watching the panda go and hearing him struggle with the rocks.

Finally. The Dragon Warrior and Master of The Tiger Style were going to be together. Surprised it took them this long.

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