The Midnight Stranger

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Prompt: Tigress encounters the Midnight Stranger. A reality where The Five don't learn his true identity.

"Got to run. Got to run." Po repeated as he ran through the rooftops, hoping his helmet didn't fall off.. The Furious Five hot on his trail. The last few days the Dragon Warrior had been pretending to be the Midnight Stranger, a legendary myth of a warrior who rid a valley of crime.

How stupid was he to think he could keep this charade going?! Now The Furious Five wanted to know who he was under the mask. How he managed to get away with it for days was still a mystery to him but he didn't want to find out. He didn't want his friends to know who he was. It was bad enough that his dad, the constable and a few bandits knew who he was.

"Stop right there!" Tigress suddenly was a few feet in front of him. Po halted before he could crash into her. Po took a few steps back not wanting her to see through his mask, she would know who was much as he wanted her to know, she couldn't.

"Get back." He warned in his disguised voice. "I don't want to fight you."

"I'm not here to fight." She was smiling and a small blush could be seen through her fur. Po heard how she had spoken about him.


How she spoke about The Midnight Stranger.

She was enamored by him.

"I just want to know who is under that mask." She admitted as she began to walk closer to him. Po matched her steps, trying to get away from her.

"I'm afraid that's not possible." He warned. "My identity is to remain secret from everyone for their safety." Admittedly he thought that had sounded cooler in his head.

"I'm in no need of protection." Tigress placed a paw on her chest. "I just wish to know who I must thank for lifting the Kung Fu ban."

"No." Po lifted a paw to stop her. They were standing on a rooftop close to the exit of the Valley of Peace. "Master Tigress, I advise you to forget about who I was."

"You know who I am?" Tigress stepped closer, he could no longer back up or he'd fall off the roof.

"Of course." Po admitted. "But that's not important. I must go." He nearly leaped into the next roof when she suddenly grabbed his paw. The unexpected hold of his paw in hers caught him by surprise and had caused him to pull her along with him. Unfortunately it was an off balanced leap and the two warriors fell into the alleway in between the two homes.

Po groaned as he opened his eyes. His vision started out blurry until he could make out a pair of shocked amber eyes looking back at him.

"Po?" Tigress quickly got off him.

"What?" Po sat up, still speaking in his disguised voice. Tigress didn't say anything as she stared back at him. Po looked at her feet realizing his mask had fallen off when they fell from the roof. "Oh." Po sighed, disappointedly. "I uh...I can explain?"

"You're the Midnight Stranger." Tigress finally spoke in a bit out of shock now.

"Uh...yeah." Po smiled nervously. "Surprise?" Po looked at her to see how she would react, only she just stared at him. He wasn't sure if she was surprised or disgusted by the fact that she had been enamored with the very warrior sleeping across her room. The one she disliked greatly for taking the title she very much deserved. "Anywaaaay," Po chuckled nervously. "Sorry to disappoint you but I really must disappear now."

"Po, wait." Tigress reached out for him but for some reason she stopped before she could take his paw.

"Tigress look," Po turned to her "I know what you're going to say and quite frankly, I'm not in the mood to hear it." He admitted. "You know who The Midnight Stranger is now and I understand that you don't feel what you feel towards him the same way you feel towards me." Po frowned. "The charade is over now so don't even bother thinking about him cus he's gone now." Po grabbed his mask and put it on before speaking in his disguised tone once again. "Have a goodnight Master Tigress." He wished and leaped through the rooftops once again, leaving a very confused master in the alley.

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