Wake Up

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Prompt: Tigress doesn't survive the cannonball

Po groaned as he slowly opened his eyes, coughing up some water that had gotten into his lungs. He could hear Shen's boats making it out to the open and his friends and comrades struggling to stay afloat.

One he couldn't hear was her. He looked around trying to find her. She had taken the hit for him from Shen's cannon. Finding her was his priority but he could not see her. Had she gone underwater?

No. There she was. Near Shen's boats, floating on a piece of wood. She wasn't moving, nor could he see if she was breathing.

"Tigress!" He swam over to her, gently taking her paw. It was cold. Hoping it was cold from the water, he called her name again. She didn't move. Her paw didn't even move in response to his hold.

"Tigress wake up." He whispered. "Please." He shook her slightly. No response. Po could feel Shen glaring at him from a distance. His best friend is unconscious and not breathing. He feared the worst but would not accept it. He called her name once again but received the same response. "No. Tigress." He could feel tears in his eyes. He checked for a pulse, anything that told him she was alive. There was nothing. And he had a duty to do. Shen could kill the rest of them at any moment.

He gently pushed Tigress towards Master Shifu, a safe distance from the cannon's range. He could feel his blood boil in rage as he fought Shen. "Wake up, please." He begged the universe. He could see Shifu in the distance tending to Tigress. She didn't move or react to the master's pleas. Po could feel himself breaking but the battle had to be won.


Po couldn't stand. All he could do was hold her, in his arms. Begging her to wake up. Tears were streaming down his eyes like a river. Shifu and the other masters looked away as they shed their own tears. She was limp in the Dragon Warrior's arms. Cold and lifeless. All Po could think was about how she gave up her life for him. A life he didn't want to live without his best friend.

"Wake up." Po touched her face gently as he begged once again. But...she didn't. Never again.

No more playful banter. No more pointless fights. No more teasing remarks. No more of her smiles to brighten up his day. She was gone.

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