Chapter Thirteen: June 21st, 1968

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Jacob's point of view:

When I heard word that Lorelei and Mai had been found, I was ecstatic. I didn't know how we managed to get separated during the blast, but when that explosive spread us apart, I was grabbed by Thanh and pulled away. I didn't get the chance to find them when the worst was over, all I found were horribly mangled and singed dead bodies from the firearms and grenades they threw at us. It was horrible, and we all knew this was a product of Viet Cong, which was the South Vietnamese infrastructure containing communist guerrilla groups that killed Americans and North Vietnamese officials. Along with civilians as well, which was just plain disgusting to me.

Nash came the day after he found out where they were and had both of them with him. We had relocated to another base after the attack, which was a few hours away from the old one and a lot further away from Saigon. I guess it didn't really matter, I would have no time to go there anyway. Nash came in with the military truck and Mai and Lorelei followed him out. I smiled when I saw my sister, and when she saw me, she called out to me, running over.

"Jacob!" She exclaimed as she jumped in for a hug. I held her tightly as I felt the live body of my sister, relieved that it was still. I kissed her forehead and let her out of my embrace after a few more seconds.

"I'm so glad you're okay, you have no idea how worried I was," I said. Lorelei nodded and smiled, that was when Mai came in beside her, just as short and a little skinner. I smiled at her, and she did the same in return. That was when I came in and hugged her, ignoring the fact that we barely knew each other.

"Did you find mom and dad?" Lorelei asked. I sighed and shook my head. We had no idea where they went. We knew they weren't dead in the blast, not able to find any one of them resembling their bodies. They were somewhere, we just didn't know where.

"We don't know where they are yet. We have a search party going around but we haven't heard word yet," I replied. She sighed and nodded as I led her and Mai down the base. Mai excused herself and went to walk around for a while to calm herself and I took Lorelei to the meeting room, where all of them were wondering what had happened to her.

"Komer is coming to meet with us about starting the organization. He'll be here in a few days. Until then we have to worry about finding Jack and Hilda," I heard the voice of Max as both Lorelei and I walked into the tent. All of them stopped when they saw her inside, safe and sound. Max went over to her and hugged her tightly as soon as she walked in. "God damn, Lorelei, you have no idea how worried we were. Glad to have you back," he said to her. She thanked him and asked what they were talking about.

"We're thinkin' of organizin' a sort of retaliation on Viet Cong. One that would help prevent all the destruction they got goin' on lately. It's just Loan doesn't want it happenin', thinks too many Americans are already involved," Max explained. Lorelei nodded as she listened, crossing her arms around her chest.

"Do you think there's a way you could convince him otherwise?" She asked. I shrugged, having no idea. I couldn't get through to Loan no matter how hard I tried. It seemed like he didn't like me all that much. He didn't know Lorelei all that well, and everyone else he seemed to dislike just as equally as me.

"You anythin' like your mother?" Max asked. What a weird question. What did he have in mind? Lorelei seemed a little puzzled as well.

"I'm not sure. Why?" She asked.

"Well, now hear me out, but I saw your mother and the way she convinced him to let Mai stay. Do you think you could work the same magic?" Max asked. She laughed and my eyes widened. No way was I letting my sister flirt so she could get what she wanted, especially to him. No, no thank you, nope, not happening. Not even for a second am I going to let that happen. That's my sister and I can't objectify her like that, over my dead body!

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