Chapter Seventeen: June 25th, 1968

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Lorelei's point of view:

An hour and a half later, we reached the house they gave us. It was definitely Mediterranean style, with its old, yellow stone exterior with staccato roofing. There were palm trees that surrounded most of the house and green, moist grass covered the lawn. A black, wire fence enclosed the back of the house and yard, but I could see the tallest tree was in the backyard. The door was arch-shaped and made from darkened, stained wood with Spanish designs carved into the four corners of it. The doorknob was black and stone, almost so elegant that it was out of place with the rest of the house.

"Isn't it just lovely? I say, I would love a summer house like this," my mother said as all of us left the cars and went over to the house. My father held her by the waist as they walked up to it, I and Mihn following behind.

"We'll talk about it when we get back to Washington," dad said as he opened up the front door and entered. We were greeted by the living room, which had tan fabric couches with a wooden coffee table in the middle of them. A large houseplant stood in the corner of the room, sitting beside the large window that was covered by red drapes. In front of the couches was a white fireplace, brown stone on the inside lining of it. On the mantle stood a black candelabra and large wax candles sitting in a formed line. There was a little table that stood next to the bigger window, white chairs beside it and a chess board on the surface. The walls were almost the same tan colour of the couches, although the slightest bit lighter.

"Wow, that's a gorgeous living room," I said as we searched the house. All of the others agreed, and then I wanted to see the bedroom. My mother said I could pick whichever one I wanted, so I took Mihn's hand and dragged him to the hallway where I took the first door I found. We came to the bedroom, and it was just as nice.

The room's wall was a stone grey and the bed was a dark red with floral design on it. The sheets and pillows were an off-white and above the bed stood two stone sconces and between them an oil painting of a rainforest scene. In front of the bed stood a white and brown chaise, a couple of books sitting on it. On the side of the wall was a large mirror in intricate carved wood, and in front of the chaise stood a mahogany table and chairs with pink orchids sitting on top of it. On the other side of the wall was a massive window with orange curtains sitting around it.

"Well, this is quite the bedroom," I remarked as we walked in. Mihn shut the door and smirked at me as I stepped further inside. The taps of my white heels sounded on the tiled floor as my eyes examined the whole of the room.

"Quite a lot on my mind when I walk in here," he replied. I caught his lingo as he ran over to me and took me by the waist. I giggled as I felt him kiss my lips softly, his arms around me as they slowed down. Everything was very calm and relaxed as I kicked off my heels. But then, within a second, he lifted me up and threw me onto the bed. I squealed a little as my legs wrapped tightly around him, Mihn kissing me passionately as he held my legs close to his torso.

"You're crazy," I said to him as he held me under his body. He chuckled and moved some little pieces of my hair out of my face.

"Only for you," he replied.


Jack's point of view:

The day after we arrived at the house, I saw Max making his way to the door. I opened it up before he could knock and smiled at him. It was good to see my friend after such a long time. Yes, he was at the base but we hardly ever had the chance to see each other out of business times. We didn't get any an opportunity to talk casually, and now he was here and we planned to have a coffee. Hilda was welcomed to join, but I don't know where she is at the moment.

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