Chapter Fifteen: June 22nd, 1968

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Lorelei's point of view:

It hit me like a brick when I saw Mihn standing there, a few feet away from me. It was as if God had answered every prayer I had ever spoke in the time I had known and left him. There he was, standing there like some sort of angel that was an impossible dream. I wanted to run over there, to have him hold me in his arms while I cried tears of happiness and awestruck euphoria. However, I didn't, all I could was stand there in complete blankness as my eyes went wide to see him.

"Hello, Lorelei," he said to me, the warm winds blowing in his black hair around his forehead. Something in my stomach felt like it was falling down and exploding when it reached the very bottom depth. My breathing had hitched, my body had solidified, and my heart felt like it was about to burst out of my chest.

"Mihn," was all I could bring myself to say. What was I even doing, sitting here like some foolish idiot? I should be next to him, holding his hand and kissing his lips, but I didn't move a muscle. It seemed as though my body betrayed me in that instant.

"Jacob, is that a letter?" My mother asked as she noticed me standing like a bumbling idiot without a thought in her head. She and my dad walked to him as he nodded and handed her the letter from Carina. This was my cue to leave and bring Mihn with me. So my eyes flitted to him and then I walked off to my tent, hoping to God that he had followed me. When I turned around and found that he did, I had to smile. I still couldn't believe that he was here.

"You came for me?" I asked. He stood a tiny distance away from me but it had seemed like a thousand miles in my current mood. He nodded his head.

"Yes, finding you was just luck," Mihn replied. I let out a relieved laugh and shook my head as I began to cry. He was still standing there, but as I looked back up at him, that all changed.

He and I ran to each other, and as I did I felt his hands lift me up to reach his fresh lips in a passionate kiss. Feeling his exuberant lips was like a liberation from every deity that existed in human religion and faith. My arms wrapped around his neck loosely as his hands held my waist to keep me level with his lips. There was no wall for him to hold me against, so he just gently placed me down on the cot I had and kissed me while on top of me. I needed air but I didn't want to let go. To think I had to decide which I needed more, and it was a close match.

"I just can't believe you're here, that I get to see you again. I thought I never would," I said to him as I kissed all over his face. He chuckled and went for my lips again, filling me with the romance and lushness that I needed from him to feel better. This had by far been the best day of my life and it wasn't even noon.

"I heard on the newscast that the base you were in had been attacked, so I had to come and make sure you were alright. I didn't care what happened as long as I knew you were fine. It's a long story, but I'm sure I'll find time to tell you the whole journey," he said to me. I nodded and began to kiss him once again, relishing in the luxurious heat of his breathe and softness of his rich lips. As I felt his fingers begin to trail up my shirt, like this was starting to go further than just passionate and amazing kissing, I felt myself want it as much as he did. However, I didn't know any of this. I wasn't at all in the experienced level of the field. I hadn't ever done this before, and I didn't want him to feel pressured because of that.

"Wait, wait, stop," I said to him as he kept going further. He stopped like I had requested him to, and then he backed away from me. He sat down as I remained lying on the cot next to him.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to startle you," he said to me. I shook my head and sat up, taking his hand in mine.

"No, it isn't that. It's just, I've never done this before. I don't know what I'm doing and I thought you should know before it goes too far," I explained. He nodded when I told him, and his head turned to me. He crawled over to me as I sat on the other side of the bed, and I felt his lips bring themselves to mine for the hundredth time today. Even though it had happened many times, it never failed to have me giddy in his arms.

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