Chapter Twenty-Three: July 16th, 1968

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Lorelei's point of view:
Three days later...

Tonight was when we would strike. It was Komer and I that decided it would be now. I informed Trúc that I was no longer sick and that I would like to see him again, since it had been so long. He jumped right in for the bait, and as I hung up, my head turned to Mihn, who was waiting in the background.

"I will never get used to you talking to a man like that," he said. I chuckled and nodded my head. I didn't blame him, I myself was still getting used to it.

"You won't have to worry. Do you think we should talk to Nash now? He is on his way," I asked. We were going to ask Nash about leaving Vietnam when the mission was over so we could go and get married. I didn't think it would be much trouble, since Nash was close with us and he liked me. Mihn, on the other hand, was just ravaged with worry.

"Yes, I do. Are you scared?" I asked with a laugh. He glared at me and shook his head, making me laugh out loud. He usually played so tough, was always standing there like he didn't feel a thing with anything. I didn't understand him sometimes but I loved him for it anyway. I loved him for everything he did.

"I'm not scared, I don't get scared. All I am is nervous that he will say no. What if we have to wait ten years before we get married?" He asked. I chuckled and moved to the bed where he sat. I let my fingers hold his shoulders and I began to message them. He moaned in small pleasure and shut his eyes as I helped him relax.

"Everything will be fine. Nash is really close with my family and he will let us do whatever we want. As long as it doesn't effect his work. We can go and get married, and if not, we will find a way. Even if it takes ten years," I said to him, whispering in his ear. He sighed and nodded his head. Mihn's eyes opened and his head turned to me, watching. His lips found mine for what seemed like the hundredth time today, and did I care? Not a single damn bit.

The door knocked a while later and I left the bed to answer it. When it was opened, Max and Nash were there in the entrance. "Lorelei Horowitz, how the hell are ya?" Max asked. I smiled and hugged him as both men walked into the room.

"I'm doing alright. Actually, Mihn and I had something to ask you before we get on to the business side of things," I said to him as I shut the hotel room door.

"Oh yeah, what'll that be?" Nash asked as he shook Mihn's hand. Max went to the little cooler we had sitting on the little table, taking a beer out of it.

"Well, we were wondering, if after the mission, Mihn and I could go back to the states to get married? We've been engaged for a time and we would like to start planning as soon as possible," I requested a little shyly. Both Mihn and I waited for the answer in tensity. He seemed a little more neurotic than I was since I knew Nash a little better, but the possibility of him saying no was still a chance.

"Of course you can. Just when this all ends, which shouldn't be much longer now that we know where the base of the main weaponry system is. Once it is worn down, they'll decrease a bit. They won't vanish, but at least we can moderate them," Nash replied. My eyes went up in happiness and relief that he said yes and Mihn stood from the bed. He smiled brightly at Nash and thanked him as he shook his hand happily.

"Not any reason to worry about it. I'm making my way to Washington with you guys. I gotta see Molly and my kids after such a long time with being without them. We can fly there together to save time, then I'll drop you off to your place with Emmaleigh. I'm sure she'll be delighted to see you," Max replied. Good thing too, he and Molly hadn't seen each other in a long time and I was afraid they'd forget about the love they shared. I didn't know much about Max, but from what my father informed me of, he had been through a lot a couple decades back. I didn't know the details of it, but I knew it was heavy.

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