Chapter Twenty-Eight: July 25th, 1968

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Jacob's point of view:

As Lorelei spoke to Gisela in the kitchen, I stood outside in the back yard with Rebekka. Rein was outside as well but he was preoccupied trying to start a fire in their little pit, I guess we were eating outside. I didn't mind, I loved sitting by the fire and eating. It kind of reminded me of the nights we sat at the base, the food horrible but the company fantastic. At least today I'd get some food that was actually real and not made from some chemical in an American chemist lab.

"So, Lorelei tells me you're looking for your dad. Don't think she's going around telling everyone, just me. She and I tell each other everything, I won't say a word," I asked as we both leaned over the balcony of the back yard. She was still wearing her bathing suit and it was beginning to cool down.

"Don't worry about it, I don't mind, and yes, I'm looking for him. My mom doesn't know about it, and neither does Rein, but I'm sure he'd be a little more understanding about it," she replied. I nodded and looked to Rein, finally managing to get a fire started although it was small. I'm sure it would get bigger in a minute or two.

"So you both have the same dad or did yours just not stick around?" I asked. I was beginning to think I was prying too much, but she didn't seem to mind. Her face was calm and collected, the air relaxing her which made her tone of voice quieten from before.

"We have the same father," she replied. It hit me then. If Max was Rebekka's real father, then Rein's real father was him as well. Max was in double the trouble if he found out he also had a son born illegitimately. Two children unaccounted for and now one was on the search looking for him. I swear, I hope Lorelei finds out from Gisela that Max isn't the father and there was just one other man close together.

"He's not interested in finding him?" I asked, motioning towards Rein. She chuckled and shook her head, crossing her arms. I noticed she was shivering a little from the cold of the night.

"Rein's almost twenty-six, he's finished school and he's busy looking for some office to let him practise. He's not at all prioritizing finding a father, it's been a little too long for him," she replied. My eyes left Rein at the fire and went to the jacket on me. I took it off and handed it over to Rebekka, "here, take this, you need it more than I do."

"Thanks, you're sure?" She asked. I nod and maneuver the jacket on her little shoulders. She thanked me again and snuggled into it, probably relishing in the fact that she was no longer cold.

"Hey, I'm kind of thirsty, do you want a drink?" I asked. She nodded and asked for water. I went inside the house and almost into the kitchen when I began to overhear Lorelei's conversation with Gisela.

"Please, my father and Max want to know if there is something. I won't tell your children, I promise with my life," Lorelei said to her. I could only see her at one of the island in the kitchen, Gisela inside and not being seen. The way Lorelei looked signified that she wasn't getting very far. I decided to stay in the hall and keep listening until the conversation was over.

"So they sent you here? You pretended to be my daughter's friend when all you wanted was to talk to me?" Gisela asked, sounding a little upset. Lorelei shook her head and put her hands out slightly in defeat.

"Not at all! It was only an accident that I stumbled upon Rebekka and found out about you. Rebekka is amazing and I want to be her friend for as long as I can. Please, all I'm asking is that you tell me. If you want, I won't tell Max or my father that I found out," she said. I knew exactly then that she was lying her mind out. Lorelei had this thing that only I knew about. When she told any sort of lie or story, her foot would go up a little and her leg would bend. Gisela couldn't see this from where she was, but I sure could.

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