18 | hurt

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18 | you knew exactly what

 you were doing. 

that's what hurts the most

2023 - The Domo

Hestia was sitting on the ground when an alarm went off. Hestia jumped to her feet, seeing that a red dot had appeared on Phastos' globe.

'Oh, no. My God." He muttered as Sersi came running in. "What about the Uni-Mind?" She questioned.

"I haven't figured out a way to connect us, but I'm close. I'm very, very close." Phastos informed them.

"How much longer?" Sersi asked and Phastos snapped. "I don't know, Sersi!"

He handed something to Makkari, pressing it in her hand. "Find the point of emergence." Before she could run off, Hestia stopped right in front of her.

"Be careful, sister." She signed at Makkari.

"Only for you." Makkari responded with a wink, before speeding off.

Druig had left the room earlier, so Hestia decided to try and find him. The hallways in the Domo were relatively dark, but even without a singe source of light, the girl was able to locate every single room. Having spent so many times on the spaceship had its benefits.

She heard Druig's voice when she walked into another long hallway. "You always knew the end was coming." Quietly, she followed his voice, finding him in the room, standing next to Thena, both staring at the painting in front of them. It was one that Hestia had made, long ago. She had given it to Makkari, and she had seemingly found a good spot for it.

"It must be a relief." He continued.

"That deviant is still tracking us." Thena had almost no emotion in her voice.

"Revenge won't bring peace for you, Thena." Druig reasoned.

"But killing it might." Hestia was leaning against the doorframe, observing their conversation without being spotted by either Eternal. Thena turned away from Druig and only then did she see Hestia. The two women gave each other a smile and Hestia strolled into the room, taking Thena's place next to Druig.

"Nice speech." Hestia commented, crossing her arms over each other.

"Thanks." Druig said dryly. "Could have been a little more enthusiastic, but I'll let it slide." Hestia grinned at him.

"What do you think will happen if I can't put Tiamut to sleep?" He stared at her.

"We'll all die." Hestia stated. "Though we probably won't remember considering we're robots, who's minds get erased after every planet they destroy."

"Yeah, that was very reassuring. Thanks, love." Druig muttered, rolling his eyes at her answer.

"Let's just go back to the rest, Mr. Optimistic." She grabbed his hand and pulled him along.

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