05 | His vision

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Chapter 5: The sight he saw

It was a long hallway, big and wide. It had yellow shining glass chandeliers at close intervals, giving out light. Multiple huge picture frames hung on the walls beside. In addition to it, there were some decorations here and there to make it elegant and aesthetic. There were even tables, with some artifacts on them. Ash stood there wide-eyed as he took in the place in front of him. It was all so glamorous.

"What's this doing here? Underground?" Ash asked no one in particular as he stepped into the luxurious looking corridor. He looked around in awe. It was almost as if he was into a historical palace, just like the ones he used to see in movies and read about in books. The place was glowing, every object screaming luxury.

He ascended into the hallway, going forward and observing his surroundings. Beautiful ancient designs aligned the walls, the ceiling, and breathtaking paintings of some unknown humans, scenery, and palaces were hung on the wall.

"This is..." Ash gaped at the paintings on the walls, and then continued looking around. "How can a palace be underground? No, it can't be.." He continued.

As he reached near the end of the hallway, he saw multiple openings and doors which opened to some unknown place Ash didn't know about. Too curious but too cautious, he refrained himself from opening any of them, but...

One particular door caught his attention. It was brown, and had leafy green vines going around it emerging from the corners. It was different from the other doors he had seen, and Ash wondered what this door had behind it that it had to be made so special and unique. So different and beautiful, that it caught the eye of the person before any of the other doors did.

He went towards the door, turning the knob open and slowly opening it, a little bit of adrenaline pumping through him in case something dangerous lies behind the door. He slowly peeked in, and widened his eyes as soon as he saw what was inside.

It was a bedroom. The big ones to be exact. He opened the door and stepped inside, looking at everything. It was huge. There were paintings on the wall just like there were outside, a king-sized bed in the middle of the room. Two purple curtains with golden borders hung from above over the bed like a tent. The room had a wide stretch. There were tables and cupboards here and there.

As Ash looked to his left, he saw a big mirror on the wall, accompanied by beautiful and delicate carvings and hangings on it's side. It had a honey-wood colored table below it, which had some accessories and some boxes on it. It looked like a dress-up table.

On his right side was a big folding screen. It also matched the interior of the room. Aesthetic like all the other things, it too had some designs and wooden carvings over it.

Ash went towards a painting on one of the walls. It looked dangerously familiar to him. The painting had a girl in it, sitting on the grass, her face looking up at the sky with her eyes closed and a soft smile on her face. Her hands were backwards, supporting her relaxed frame. Beautiful would be an understatement for her, because she looked breath-taking.

Although, what really caught Ash's attention was the clothes she was wearing and some palace tops that surrounded her. It really wasn't a sight one could see these days, unless they are at a movie set or dreaming. He desperately wanted to know what this was all about.

To say that Ash was stunned would just be an understatement. He was too shocked to see something so luxurious underground in a creepy and unknown house. It was a true beauty.

"Is this a movie set or something...?" Ash guessed as he moved further into the room. The door was left open behind him. He moved to the dressing table, and saw his reflection in it. Drenched in sweat, shock and confusion written all over his face, mind filled with questions.

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