This is Love

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why do I feel such lust
when I look into your eyes?
they're not special ,
they're like any other
pair of brown eyes .
I feel something new
stirring in my chest
my palms are getting cold ,
and my stomach seems to flip
and erupt small butterflies.
those dark orbs of yours
are making my body
create a new feeling
and react like no other time.
your smile makes me
groan internally because
it hurts for whatever reason .
should i be so blissful
when I'm feeling such pain?
pain that makes my
chest, stomach, and head hurt?
why in the world am I smiling?
tears should be staining
my rosy cheeks
and a frown should stretch my lips .
I've never heard of someone
to smile at pain and yet
here I am smiling as
my chest aches.
why is it that when I see you
everything begins to hurt
but I couldn't be happier?
and at night, when my thoughts
only revolve around you,
I feel my heart being squeezed
yet my lips tug upward.
I've gone insane. is that it?
I've mistaken happiness and pain .
I'm new to all of this
and I hate being clueless .
so I tell you all of this
and you whisper back :
"you're in love... with me ."

so I wasn't insane ,
i was just in love.

but honestly it feels
like the same thing.

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