v. Strangers in the Night

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I stayed at my suite the whole day with Gun blasting my phone with text. Until he called me .

"You slut!!you didn't even went to me last night"- Gun

"I was busy okay" - New

"Yeah busy sucking cock!!!you whore. Who's the lucky guy?"- Off

"Uhm I forgot his name Gunnie hahah I was too drunk" - New

"I swear Newwiee one of these days I fear for your safety" - Gun

"You fear yet you had staff follow me last night until I rode the elevator"- New

"Oh you knew??"- Gun

"Gun I don't know, but I knew you'd do that" - New

"Better you know" - Gun

"So let's go out and do shopping now!!"- Gun

"You're going to make me spend on you again, you twerp" - New

"But you love me!!!get up now!!"- Gun

"Alright alright I can see your duck face pouting from here. Meet you in 30 let's have lunch I'm hungry as well" - New

I can't say no to Gun ever. He is like my consistent girlfriend always around and takes care of me.

We were walking around at the mall when I received a message from Tay inviting me over for dinner with Off and the others at the seaside restaurant.

"Gunnie want to come with me later dinner?"- New

"With who?"- Gun

"Tay and others" - New

"Uhm .. Okay" - Gun

I saw disappointment in his face and annoyance at the same time.

"What's wrong?you don't like Tay that much do you?"- New

"Ofcourse yes, Is that even a question New. I don't like one bit of that asshole" - Gun

"Hey!don't be hard on him, he doesn't even know I love him" - New

"That is the point you don't even tell him!!"- Gun

Gun already nagging me again, we are sitting at a restaurant eating lunch.

"Because he's getting married Gun"- New

"So what least he know he's being a pain in the ass for you! That dumb jerk"- Gun

"Easy why are you so hot headed" - New

"I love you Newwiee you know that, and it hurts to see you sleeping of with some random people because you can't fulfill it with that jackass!"- Gun

"It's alright I never intended to tell him from the start so chill okay" - New

"tsk you're too good New, Just marry me i'll take care of you" - Gun

"With all your nagging na uh, and your shopping habits will get me broke Gunnie hahahah" - New

"I hate you?!!!"- Gun

"I love you more!"- New


Well this will be awkward as fuck.
We are having dinner at a restaurant.
Me, Toptap, Arm, New , Gun and Tay. But an unexpected guest arrived it was Namtan Tay's fiance.
I can see New's scrunched up brows he was sitting beside me with Gun on his side clinging to him like a koala.
His fist balled below the table.

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