xiv. Truth or Lie

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From the corner of the room, I can see Jumpol and New whispering to each other. I can tell they are in love but I feel pity for my brother, with my stubborn father always getting in his way.
Jumpol stood up and went my way.

"I'll be off I'll leave you two to talk, uhm Toy nice to meet you New's lover" - Off

He smiled at me and shook my hand. I chuckled at his remark.

"Nice to meet you too, my brother's future maybe Off Jumpol, but we'll see about that"- Toy

And then he left. I turned to New sitting dazed at the couch.

" Hey, you alright?"- Toy

"Yeah, how are you?"- New

" I'm alright so far, father doesn't bug me about things that often but he is so you know when it comes to you. He loves you that much" - Toy

He rolled his eyes out, laying his head on my lap as he closed his eyes and snuggled comfortably.

"Love? tsk you call that love more like smothering me with his undying authority"- New

" He just wants what's best for you, well he doesn't know the fact that you prefer Off per se"- Toy

"Well does he know about you and Gun??"- New

My eyes went wide at what he said.

" How did you... I mean it. Newwiee??!"- Toy

"Don't give me excuses I knew a long time I was just playing along with your secrecy fetish"- New

" New Thitipoom!! it's not a fetish!!"-Toy

"Right, you could have at least you know told me. Why? I would understand"- New

I stroked his hair brushing it off his forehead he was facing sideways his back pressed on my side.

"I thought you. *sigh the idea of me and gun you don't like it?"-Toy

" Hiding it from me is what I don't like Phi, I want you to be happy"- New

"Thank you Newwiee, you know I only have you you're all that matters"- Toy

" I love you Phi, so what do we do with Dad?"- New

"Talk to him New it's been ages since you saw each other, maybe he just wants your attention"- Toy

" oh believe me if attention is all he wants he already has it from the beginning"- New

"That mouth New is the reason you always get into trouble try to tone it down a notch when you see father"- Toy

I can't blame New for his behavior towards dad ever since the incident and the family turmoil happened he has been all but protective of us.

"Can you lessen the guards it's annoying, and don't start me with it's for my security, sheesh I won't get kidnapped okay I'm an adult now in not some presidential son this is exaggerating a bit when people crowd on me just to watch me"- New

" Okay okay I'm sorry"- Toy

"It won't happen again Toy we were so young back then and it was no one's fault, okay, our parents had issues and it was a neglect on their part."- New

I remember when I was 6 and new was only 5 years old, our parents fought and it was pretty serious. Mom packed all of our things and made us come with her. Back then the Techaapaikuns were branching out on the construction industry and father was being good at his job expanding it thoroughly of course along the way they were enemies that wants him to go down.

While New and I were playing at a park near the house where our mom took us, somebody kidnapped me New was able to hide from the bushes where we played, I remember those eyes crying silently looking at me.
I got taken away while Newwiee hid. I can imagine how it is hard for him to see me get taken and be left alone by himself.
I was the same I was scared I didn't know what will happen to me I was only a child.
They made me go to sleep but when I woke up I was at the mansion again with New sleeping by my side.
I guess they rescued me and bought us back to my father's mansion.
It almost broke our family apart with my father filing for divorce and suing my mom for neglect.

I snapped out of my thinking when New called me.

" What is it Toy?"- New

"Nothing New, I just remembered something. Do you want to go home later?"- Toy

" I think it's about time to face dad"- New

I just rubbed his shoulders assuring him I am with him all the way. Persuading our father can be a whole lot of bargaining and reasoning. I just hope everything will go well tonight.


It was never easy nothing ever was. I stood in the lounge area of our home. The Techaapaikun mansion whoere I was born and raised till my early teens. My heart pounding in my chest.
Here I was not New nor was I Nyx. I was nothing but a Techaapaikun child. Seeing my dad again after a year makes me want to run to Pol and just stay there. My heart hammered more at the sight of my dad.

He always looked regal and cold. Toy followed behind him with an awkward smile as my mother run to me for an embrace.
I had never liked my mom, but she was still my mom regardless I hugged her back with a stoic face I perfected long ago in this house.

"New my child"- Mom

His arms still hugged me but I untangled it and she looked disappointed, she knew I still have hatred in me for her for what she's done.

"Son ... "- Dad

"Dad .. "- New

"Let's talk at the study" -Dad

Before heading there Toy patted me on my shoulder and I just nodded.
I knew this would be another losing argument with my dad.
I followed him to the study.
There was a deafening silence before I spoke up.

"The engagement without my knowledge why?" -New

"This is good for you, drop your vulgar acts or whatever flavor of the week you have right now and focus on the engagement, you are to meer Fah this weekend with her parents"- Dad

"Dad if an heir is what you want I can provide you by other means just not this. Not like this"-New

"Don't you think I don't know about what you and Toy have been doing, I know your every move. First a Vihokratana now an Adulkittiporn?! I'm setting you up straight and no fooling around anymore New" - Dad

"Dad! Haven't I proved anything? Is everything not enough why must you do this to me?"- New

He patted me by my shoulder.

"Unless you prove me wrong about that guy you are seeing, the documents are in the table see for yourself. Don't forget the appointment with Fah on weekends. I'm sorry son not everyone that treats you differently is different, you should know earlier" - Dad

My eyes zoomed in on the folder that was placed on top of his desk.
Then he left me.

I grabbed the folder and sat on the couch, flipping on the inside were Pol's personal information, family, and friends. Some pictures of him in LA with Tay. Then a picture of him with a woman holding a baby, I didn't know what to feel on the picture in his hands. A piece of paper sticking to its back. Shows the paternity test of Off Jumpol Adulkittiporn 99.9 percent match to Mint Lappasalan.
The paper crumpled in his hands and fell to the floor.

He was sure it was a trusted source Techapaaikun use of intel is outstanding and his dad won't be faking it. He loathes cheating and lying the most even if he is like that over the top sometimes.
He felt the ground crumble beneath him and the smiles of Pol flashed in his memory made him tear up.
How could he lie he had a chance to do so or was he waiting for good timing. Regardless of what it is New wanted to know.

He had to know the truth about Pol.



I know it's kinda short. But I hope you liked it.. 🖤🙏

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