xvii. All said and done

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It was a shit show once the videos and documents were set out to the public.
The government and all the associated firms and companies strewn over the web of sins were downcasted through all the media platforms.
It was a frightening battle of who can sue who and who had to be jailed and convicted of the crimes.

One of the names listed was the Techaapaikun Industries one of the companies that took over the demolition process. The Techaapaikun head was detained, it was by luck that the Techaapaikun brothers were still not into business at that time the incident occurred.

New on the other hand had fallen into the pits of despair his engagement was broken because of the news and their company feared collapse, he was supporting his brother with all resources he could get. Le Luna even had taken up the position as one of the shareholders of the company that was buying contracts that other companies had declined. It is with the help of Gun and some of New's business partners from the states that don't concern themselves with the ongoing scandal.
Toy had not left the office since camping there like it was his home with Gun just bringing food and being with him through it all.
New had been staying at the mansion staying his ground going after business proposals that Toy couldn't manage to get his hands on.

Even Le Luna was dragged into it questioning the VIP and membership of the said club. Pictures were leaked and New was attacked, accused of dealing in an underground drug den at the bar. Luckily the perpetrator of the rumor was caught and he was paid to do what he did.
Even so, New's image still was questioned being his father undergoing court trials because of the scandal.
Everything went by so fast that New wasn't able to cope with adding up his broken heart to the fray he was in an utter mess.
When he is not in the office he would get drunk and pretend everything is under control, Tay can't take it anymore.

He saw everything that was in the brown file that New always cried over, the first time it was opened to him he cried buckets and can't imagine the pain his beloved best friend was going through. But he knew that Off loved him at some point. He knew those didn't lie, his eyes cannot. There was still a glimmer of hope that perhaps New wasn't meant to be his because he was meant to save him through it all, he was meant to help him be happy.

And now here he is in front of Tumcial Holdings with the brown envelope at hand. He needs an explanation and he needs to know what Off really wants.

Barging into his office like he owned the place.
Flinging the documents to Off's surprised face with Joss beside him gaping.

Once Off held his composure he motioned Joss to get out.

" Explain " - Tay

Tay in his demanding tone, power, and authority laced in his voice the proud Vihokratana runs in his blood.

"Tay, Peng ..I.." -Off

Off clutched Mild and Mint's picture that went out of the envelope. Then he sighed.

" It is what it is, I was a damn liar and New was right, I strung him along in between to get revenge for my family" - Off

Off unconsciously touching the ring on his ring finger the wedding band that was not there anymore since he threw it out of frustration and anger, he never bothered to look for it again.

Silenced ensued, then Tay collapsed on his couch.

"Do you love him?"- Tay

That was what Tay muttered whilst his hand was over his eyes his head resting on the couch's back. He looked defeated at the moment.


"Do you love him?"- Tay

It was the question I dare not answer, my heart ached. Yes, yes I do love him but I cannot pursue this feeling of wanting to be selfish because of this revenge. It felt like I was betraying Mild, I was betraying my love for her. He was warned his parents did warn him but he didn't listen he had drank the poison that was supposed to be for his enemies. He had voluntarily sacrificed his heart to the Techaapaikun's that he abhors the more.

The Good LiarOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz