The Man with the Plan

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The lie was pretty much the bane of the entire show, and it occurred to me that things would have been just as interesting if Omer knew about his Aunt's game all along, and if he was using Defne to keep his Aunt's plans for his marriage at bay. So, this is Kiralik Ask, remixed, with some changes from the start. Give me an upvote if you want to see more.

EDIT – I've gone in and edited some of the dialogue after rewatching the show, just to keep it in line with the original script. My first release was fairly rushed.


Omer Iplicki was a sought-after bachelor in his society circles. Young, handsome, talented and rich. His dark hair, dark eyes and perfectly groomed beard, athletic physique and tall stature made him immediately outwardly attractive, but it was his behaviours and principles that differentiated him from the crowd of high society boys, always looking for a good time.

Omer was kind and considerate, romantic and generous, but he showed these traits to a very select few. He was a solitary man, used to his own way, his own company, trusting very few and leading a quiet bachelor lifestyle. Most who knew of him, understood him to be a proud, cold and aloof man, with a fiery temper and little patience. Not many got to see the real Omer, he had few people he called true friends, though he was admired by many.

Having been orphaned in his teens, the little family that he had was important to him, but their overbearing ways jarred with his need to always stand on his own two feet, forging his own path. And it is those overbearing ways that lead us into our story, the story of a man, a woman and a very peculiar agreement.

Passionis Office

A knock on the door of his office caused Omer to raise his head, seeing his uncle stride into the room, closely followed by his aunt.

"Omer, how are you?"

"I wasn't expecting you, uncle."

Getting up from his desk, he shook his uncle's hand while his aunt strode around to his side to place a kiss on his cheek. Both relatives were in their 50s, and neither had worked a single day in their lives between them. In fact, there were very few similarities between Omer and his aunt and uncle, his work ethic and independence had come from watching his mother being slowly eaten away by cancer, while still doing the best she could as a Doctor. And his beliefs around romance and life, had come from his father, who had abandoned his wealthy family to marry the love of his life, loving her faithfully until the day she died, before killing himself in a drunken accident as a direct result of his grief.

"I was going golfing, but thought I would pop in when I was dropping your aunt at the company."

"Your uncle was really wondering how you are dear. He said he wanted to see his dear nephew, isn't that right Necmi?" His uncle Necmi smiled up from his place on the leather chair in front of Omer's desk, placing his sunglasses into the collar of his shirt and sweeping his hair back.

"Yes, you're right, exactly."

"Anyway... we have some important things to discuss." His aunt Neriman had that look in her eye, he was becoming well accustomed to it, seeing it weekly when she would 'pop by to see him'.

Omer knew immediately what was coming, from years of experience of deflecting his aunt's schemes, and from her weekly visits to check on his dates, but he smiled indulgently. "Important things? I'm listening to you, my dear aunt."

"You are going to meet this girl for lunch today, right?"

Omer tried to prevent his eyes from rolling. "Yes, I'll be aunt, don't worry. "

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