In a Car So Fast You Can't Control It

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Coffee Bar

He knew he'd bump into her at the coffee station, it had almost become instinctual, knowing when she'd be there. When the elevator bell dinged, he turned to it expectantly, grinning when she stepped out with a small, smug smile on her face.

Crossing her arms, she smiled up at him. "Omer, hello. How are you?"

"Very good thanks, how are you?"

"Good, good. Great! Zeynep and I were working together earlier, it looks like we're going to create something quite beautiful."

"You're conquering Passionis from the inside? I saw that."

"What does that mean?"

"As if you don't know." He looked away. He'd determined that he was overthinking it, Defne was playing games, there's no way she was backing down from Iz.

"Ha... you mean my visit to see Iz? It turns out she and I are quite like-minded."

"Like-minded?" Other than having him in common, Defne and Iz could not be more different.

"Mmm, it's like our energies are in sync. I don't know why we didn't give each other a chance before." He sighed. "But uh, you... did that bother you? Did you get upset? Did something happen? What happened?"

He smirked, confirming her game for what it was. "Defne, don't."

"Don't what?"

"Working this hard isn't good for you. Why don't you take a break? I think it'll be good for you."

"Ah, yes, yes. I was thinking about something like that, maybe taking a trip somewhere." He nodded and she smiled, stepping closer to him, her tone flirtatious. "Uh, maybe we should go to Monterosso for a few days?" He glanced at her, remembering when he'd made her that offer, back when he thought they'd have opportunities to travel together, back when he thought she'd let him show her the world. " We can relax, take in a change of scenery, refresh ourselves, recharge.... I mean, just thought I'd put it out there." She chuckled. "So, what do you think?"

In all honesty, it sounded incredible, too incredible. "Are you joking?"

Her smile fell and she stared back at him coldly. "Of course, I'm joking!" Tutting she walked away to the lifts, leaving him to clear his throat uncomfortably. Watching her, he saw her pull a face as the doors slid closed.

This flirtation was infuriating. There was no movement forward, he couldn't move on, and he couldn't be with her. He just needed to sort his head out, one or both of them was going to end up getting hurt more than they both were currently. The idea of them together, in Italy, alone... he would do anything to have that with her, to spend their days in galleries and cafes, or making love if they chose to, not setting foot out of their room. He sighed, closing his eyes before pushing himself away from the counter.

Defne's Office

She was flicking through a book, her back to the door and failed to notice that Koray had entered until he was in front of her. "Ya Koray! What are you up to?" She jumped back, startled.

"I came here to weep."

"Ayy, if you're going to cry, please do it in the toilet and not in front of me, because then I'll start. Don't cry in front of me!"

"Girl have you any idea what's been inflicted on me? Don't ask! Ayy, you know whose name I got in the draw?" He looked distraught.

"Who did you get Koray Bey?"

"Take a guess... I mean, who could it be that I'd come here and try to make you jealous?"

Defne dropped her book on the desk, thinking. "I don't know, I'm clueless. Whose name did you pick?"

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