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it's been a week and there is no news from Vincenzo which made cha young a little relieved and able to focus on her work but there is a part of her that is missing a certain that figure which made cha young hate herself a bit

she was meeting with Yoona in her office to discuss the details of the new project this always has been their way of getting ready for a certain work And be able to present it in front of others

It always has been cha young's dad  who they present to or strangers from other countries for  charity projects since cha young never really worked with anyone out of their enterprise  for business purposes

but cha young is really fussy about her image even if it's in front of her parents she always seeks perfection and expects it from anyone even though she is never hard on anyone except herself

since there is a meeting with a certain someone tomorrow

even though cha young made up her mind regarding how she'll deal with him  she's still scared about it a bit ok scared
a lot

" whatever  that's a problem for tomorrow now let's focus  "thought cha young when she got a little distracted

a day later the (meeting day)

cha young came earlier than usual she was a bit nervous for some reason

she started doing her work that was pending  while having her americano 

after she finished  her work she glanced at her wrist watch there are still thirty minutes left till the meeting

she took a deep breath and decided to relax she closed her eyes and leaned on her chair suddenly after a while  she felt that someone is watching her she opened her eyes and saw HIM in front of her leaning on her office door frame looking at her

she was startled but tried to look unbothered she felt strange as non of them started talking so she decided to get it over with

she looked at her watch and said "mr.Cassano nice to meet you again but the meeting starts in twenty minutes " he was a bit stunned to hear this but then this was predictable so he decided to try and cool her down a bit remembering
Soo ho's words and said"cha young ahhh.." but she raised an eyebrow so he changed his wording and said " miss Hong I mean miss Hong I was hoping to have a conversation with you " he said hopeful

but then she said " well mr.Cassano that's why there is a meeting to discuss the PROJECT and answer your questions if you have any about the PROJECT " she said emphasising on the word project

he took a deep breath trying to understand her point of view and trying not to do what Sooho warned him from

as he was lost in his thoughts cha young suddenly stood up and came from behind her desk and asked "is there anything more mr.cassano?"  then she turned around and grabbed some files that were on her desk

"nothing Miss just that you look tired " he said worried

"well that's not of your concern " she came closer and looked him in the eye  "any thing else ? if not then I need to go"

"sorry don't mean to get your way " he said smiling

"well then see you in the meeting " she didn't even glance at him a last glance and left her room

he smiled sadly at the way their conversations turned But he was feeling nostalgic finally he got to hear her voice talking to him again at least longer than last time

and at least she looked at him even though it wasn't the warmest look

but it's ok one step at a time he was feeling like he got close to home finally at least there is light at the end of this very dark tunnel and he will do whatever it takes to reach that light no matter what it takes he already decided to tell her the reason that pushed him to do what he did back then and hope she understands

Now he decided to go to the meeting since it was almost time

To be continued ....

Sooooo another update
sorry it's a short one but I was a bit busy today
But the next chapter will be better
I hope you tell me what you think in the comments and also vote I really appreciate it
Thank you 
See yah 💜💜

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