32-his eyes

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"I knew a lot of this information it's just that what you said answered some questions I had in mind " said Du shik looking at cha young

"What happened between you two back then ? why do you hate him so much , and don't say that's because of me I know it's not ?" She asked

"How do you?" He asked

"Firstly don't answer me with another question secondly I knew because every time you had flames in your eyes talking about him .... so tell me the truth I came clear to you , I expect you to do so too "

"Yeah you came clear after I found out everything on my own aishhh.......fine " he said resigned as he saw her ready to push further

"Well him and I met when I had just started business there in Italy we met through friends and became friends ourselves he helped me a lot understand how things go there and we became close I think because we were Korean me , him and Soo ho that was for about a year but things were starting to get tough for me there , a lot of obstacles came in my way and he was nowhere to be found I thought that he was busy and didn't mind it for a long time as I was busy myself " he said

he got up from his chair and went in front of the desk sitting in front of cha young who asked " and the obstacles were ?"

"Well remember when our stocks started suddenly dropping without us knowing the reason" she nodded

"Well that's when so I was busy with all that I started shifting from my main purpose which was the hotel at that time
I got pretty distracted from it when someday I got a phone call saying that there are people who invaded the place and threatened the workers kicked them out and made a huge mess , when I went there I found out they were the mafia and they had problems with someone thinking that the person is me or my brother when they found out that he isn't me was when I asked them who they said Vincenzo Cassano, I was shocked to hear them talk about him , he was my friend and I trusted him really , I didn't expect him to be involved in this most Importantly I was mad at the mess created because of him "

" I looked for him like crazy that day and when I found him he was really different than his usual self Back then he was being annoying and was looking at me sarcastically the whole time I asked him who he was and he simply replied saying a mafia his behavior pissed me off more than his words , and him being a mafia well I thought it's not a bid deal at first but not when he was the reason for the attack that was launched on us we had a very big fight " he said

"Big fight ...?" She asked impatiently

" well beating the hell out of each other fight we both fought till we couldn't anymore I think the part that made me do it the most was that he was my friend and that part made me feel betrayed for  , I remember cutting all the ties with each other and not seeing each other again until.... you came along and dated him that's the part that made me pissed of the most I thought that he was using you I wanted to kill him for real that time I still am mad at him though how can he date you knowing who I am to you"

"I hated the fact that you came against me just to be with him so I thought that since he was using you I better go and extract the problem from its root but that night after you and I fought I went to his office and well I threatened him and he didn't even reply , and the look in his eyes I still remember it he looked different and that's when I realized that I was wrong I threatened him with you I said I won't say anything but if he dared to hurt you I will because I knew that threat would alarm him " he said

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