29-he is ...(p2)

375 25 8

A few hours ago

Cha young was resting her head on the head of the chair  humming her favorite song waiting for the meeting to start , when she heard her phone beeping

She glanced at it and picked it up it was her brother

Come to my office now , read his message

What is it I'm waiting for a meeting , she replied

Upon getting no reply for a few minutes she got worried , what does he want ?

Looked at the time and found that there were still ten minutes for the meeting she can come and go if she's fast enough

She quickly got up and started moving at her best speed in those heels . While various thoughts crept into her mind

When she got there she barged in without knocking

And her eyes found her brother sitting behind his desk looking serious with his fingers intertwined under his chin looking at her in a way that she didn't understand

"What happened ? are you alright ?" She asked slightly out of breath

"Close the door " he ordered her she knew this was serious the moment he said that , her curiosity made her turn around instantly and do what he told her

After that she stepped closer to the middle of the room and ask " what happened now ?"

" park joo hyeong huh ?" He said sarcastically

Her expressions instantly changed from being worried to being shocked as if being struck by lightning

She couldn't move a bit , he didn't say anything just waited for her to do so

After a while she said "what about him ?"

"Well I found out that he's someone I used to know "

Oh shit this isn't good

"Really who is he ?"she kept asking those questions because she didn't know what else to say but that irritated him so much he shouted at her "stop playing dumb Hong cha young you know what I'm talking about !!"

She flinched at his high tone , he continued " what made you accept it ? remember what he did to you ? Think about your dignity what the hell ? Why did you act based on your feelings ?"

" I didn't act based on my feelings I didn't know what to do and what to tell dad he insisted on it " she defended herself

"No you didn't because a part of you liked seeing him again " he said

" what do you take me for ?" She said feeling offended

"It's not what I take you for , it's that you kept him around after what he did to you , you let him in your life again and...."

She interrupted him shouting "I DIDN'T WANT TO , why can't you understand why would I want to mess up my feelings again but I couldn't he gave me no choice but to except and if I didn't Who knows what dad would say , he really wanted me to take it he insisted "

"Don't throw it at dad it was your fault "he said

"How is it mine when I've been the one suffering all this time you don't know what it feels like to have the person you love In front of you but you keep yourself back for your sake , I suffered and your saying that it's my fault , I put hundreds of layers to block my heart when he was around I don't know what else to do so don't just sit there and scream at me when you know nothing "she said getting breathless from shouting

Almost Did Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon