14-New hobby huh ?

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A week later
Cha young and Vincenzo were sitting on the couch in cha young's penthouse after they had dinner the night was still young

They were chatting about many things from arguing about iced American or waste water as Vincenzo calls it ,to why Italians don't break spaghetti in half when they cook it

"So you're saying that they named her Sorin because they want her to be like your mom Sori ? " he asked making sure
"Yeah it's obvious didn't you know "

"well I thought of it but I never asked I don't know why "

when cha young said "oppa came " all of a sudden

Vincenzo didn't expect her to tell him about du shik

he was planning on not telling her about her brother visiting him since it might create questions he won't be able to give answers to To he decided to act as if he didn't know

"Oh really how is he ?"he asked acting calm

"He knows about you and me he found out from someone who is working with me "she said

"Do you know who ?" He aske

"No but that's not important right now , he didn't like it ,me and you together but I don't care I will not be tied down by him anymore "she said as she turned her whole body to face him now

And continued " you know what I realized ?" "What?" he asked

" being with you makes me know who I really am "

He smiled warmly and said "Really"

"Yeah ,growing up as the youngest in my family i felt like my parents where tired so ever since I was young I felt like I didn't want to burden them I wanted to be better than my siblings so that I don't trouble my parents but that led to me being someone else in front of them I didn't talk about the way I truly felt I felt like I only have to help them ,when I entered business it's not because I liked it but because I felt like my dad was needing more help so I decided to do it but I would've chose something else "

She paused to take a deep breath then continued

"I think it's my fault that I hid everything from my parents how I felt not only my parents even my siblings and my friends I always try to be the person I need and want so I be that person to other people , I listen to people ,make them open up help them , even though I can't tell people how I feel ,funny isn't it?" She chuckled

While he shook his head and smiled at her even warmer

"As time passes I became someone who people call ms.perfect full school marks , a social person , amazing extracurriculars , had the best family anyone could ask for and best friends who would drop anything in their hands and come rushing if I need them but I feel like it's the image I created for myself in front of everyone and I'm not ready to ruin it as I feel like my whole life was built on it so I have to maintain it in front of everyone ,everyone except you "

She pointed at him while he said "me ?"

"Yeah for some reason you're the only person who makes me feel like cha young not ms.perfect ,cha young who can pour her heart out and not worry about being judged or worry about her stupid image , cha young who can be hugged before asking for one or before hugging that person first , you made me feel special not having to share it with anyone else "

"My parents are my entire life I know that they support me and they will still do even if I don't succeed or if I am not the person I am today I know that they love me unconditionally, and you are my love the one I never thought that I could have but somehow you came into my life and made your way through the bubble I put around me and made me feel alright just the way I am "

"You know I love you right "he suddenly said
" I know " she smiled

"And that will never change because you are my entire world and you mean everything to me ,I mean we've only been together for a few months but really I never thought that I could love someone that much but you proved me wrong you crept your way to my heart and settled there not giving room for anything else I love you and how much it is can't be described in words I LOVE YOU "

She smiled at his words he didn't know how much his words grew on her they made her feel safe
Then He hugged her as they lay down on the couch they didn't talk after that  for a while just enjoyed each other's company


Cha young is going to Gwangju as they will start their project on an area very close to it

She went their alone as young ro and Yoona along with other people associated in the project went before her in two days since she was busy opening the orphanage she build using the donations she got from one of her charity parties
Which is something she was excited about it because while growing up she saw her parents do it all the time but this is her first time doing it herself

She went there on the plane it was a short flight and she will relax for these few hours and not worry about anything and anyone just these very few hours

As she was resting her head on the business seat closing her eyes ready to sleep before take off she smelled a familiar scent coming from the seat next to hers she knew who it belonged to but thought that since she's thinking about Him she's just hallucinating
She decided to ignore it

" excuse me ?" Said the person sitting next to her she kept her eyes shut knowing that the call is not for her
Wait but why does he sound just like him ? She thought

"Yeah what can I get you sir ?" Said the flight attendant

She just ignored what that person had to say and decided not to listen to him anymore

"Miss you don't have your seatbelt on " ok there you go he has the same voice as Him and it was talking to her this time

She opened her eyes and saw Him

Ok that's his new hobby now surprising Hong cha young she thought

"What are you doing here ?" She asked counfused and surprised

"Well I have work there I believe that's the same one you're going there for " he said then he reached for her seatbelt and was about to put it together she was shocked by his gesture she hit his arm to stop him but he didn't stop until he did what he wanted


"Well then Let me tell you that's not you job being there you're just an investor you're not supposed to be there I will be there since I'm in change of it " she said

"Well ....I have to make sure that everything is ok and I didn't waste my money here " he said

"Even if you don't like there is nothing you can do about it except canceling the agreement "

"Why do you always tell me ta cancel it ?"

She raised an eyebrow he knew what she was going to say so he stopped her and said " I will not cancel it no matter what I'm there just to make sure that the right amount of money is spend "

Oh no that was stupid he thought

"Why are you following me ?"

To be continued....

Hello I'm back I am also felling better

To be honest I don't know what I feel towards this chapter but I mainly wanted to show them and their relationship before

See yah

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