28-he is ...

420 34 14

Cha young was waiting in the meeting room earlier than the meeting is scheduled she's just so excited that her plan worked this time

She glanced at her watch and saw that there was still thirty minutes till the meeting time

Her plan was to successful as she changed some digits that makes a big difference on the amount agreed on of the investment money , so she was requesting more money which is a very big amount

It will be hard for anyone to agree on that big amount she was pushing her luck hoping that Vincenzo wouldn't agree and would come back all the way here to discuss it , and thankfully her luck turned out to be good this time as yesterday morning she got a call requesting for a meeting to be held soon to which she instantly agreed on

He's been gone for a whole week after all , how could he leave the investment right ? He can't , can he ?


Vincenzo came with Luca to the meeting room as Miri led them in

They entered and were told to wait as there was no one in, it's the meeting time now after a while Yoona came In and said that Miss Hong will be here soon

They waited for about ten minutes until the door finally opened revealing cha young , she came in and apologized for being late As she Came and sat in front of Vincenzo and Luca

Vincenzo noticed her face looking pale with slightly trembling hands and she looked like the first time they met a few months ago only a hundred times worse , while she was trying her best to focus to get this over with

She spent most of the time staring at Vincenzo and when she talked she did it still staring at him he noticed her stares but was embarrassed to look at her

they wrapped up the meeting after sometime agreeing on moving forward with the project with the same amount agreed on before

She excused herself and left the room in a hurry he was confused with her acting all weird and it got him worried
Especially after he saw her looking as if she was bitten by a snake

He left the company with Luce and went home as he just came back this morning and didn't have time to do anything
So after He showered had fresh clothes on he called Soo ho to tell him that he came back but the call was left unanswered

So he just ignored it and went to sleep


Vincenzo woke up bu the sound of the doorbell he was waiting for someone to open it but when it kept ringing he opened his eyes and glanced at the watch on his bedside table it was five in the morning now he understands why no one opened the door because all the workers left a few hours ago

He got up stretched his stiff body that was exhausted from sleeping for too long And He went down to the door that was now being banged on

He opened it and widened his eyes from the sight in front of him he was so shocked that no words came out from his slightly opened mouth

As standing in front of him was a drenched and breathless cha young leaning on the door frame too tired to stand straight

He looked behind her and saw the rain pouring hard then looked back at her as she said "why ......why...di.." breathless she was to tired to say anything now but she tried , Him on the other hand to prevent her from getting more soaked he pulled her wrist and pulled her inside the house before neither of them said anything

He quickly took her to the fireplace in his living room and made her sit next to it he was going to bring her a towel but before he could move she grabbed his arm saying " don't go I want to talk to you "

He looked at her and said "I'll be back in a minute just wait here "

She agreed without saying anything just letting go of his arm , he quickly went to the bathroom

She stayed there just staring at her fingers while her hair was dripping water

After while he came after finally finding two towels he doesn't know his house at all

He came stood in front of her putting the towel on her head and gently drying it from the head to the ends of the hair

As he said "why would you go out in the rain at this time of the morning ? the sun is just starting to rise "

She just remained there seated not saying anything , he was really annoyed with her, he knew that she needed answers for all her questions but he didn't expect her to come at this time , ok even if the time wasn't a problem why didn't she at least use an umbrella

after he finished drying her hair and took the wet towel replacing it with the dry one putting it around her neck

He was about to go again but she stopped him saying "I said I wanted to talk to you "

He just replied saying "just a few minutes I'll be back " he was about to leave the room when she said " they are way too long , these few minutes are way too long for me when I'm dying over here "

He turned around and looked at her who was now looking at him , he sighed as he only wanted to bring her some new clothes and something to drink but she was not letting him go

He decided to get it over with so that he can get her warm soon

Vincenzo came closer to her and nodded his head she look at him intently and said " why did you keep it from me ? "

He frowned his eyebrows and said " keep what ?"

"You know what you kept from me " suddenly her words became like a fire alarm in his mind he was thinking of what he kept from her trying his best to skip the main thing he kept from her

"What do you mean ? I kept nothing from you "

She sighed stood up dropping the towel on the couch and said loudly "you think I don't know that you broke up with me for a purpose ? why didn't you tell me the truth I could've accepted it and I would've understood but you decided to be selfish enough to make a decision to end what we had , thinking that it was the right thing to do "

All these things she's been saying only lead to one conclusion in his mind and that is that she knows

But still he couldn't confirm it "what made you say all of that I told you the truth that day the day I broke up wi....."

"STOP ! Stop making a fool of me I know the truth now I know everything including the real you I know who you are "she shouted

He was too shocked about what she just said that the only words that left his mouth were "how far do you know ?"

"That you are the mafia consigliere of the Cassano family " she said looking him straight in the eyes without any expression

He on the other hand was now too ashamed to even look at her he didn't expect the truth to be revealed this much the part of it that he didn't want her to ever know or see

To be continued....


So ... an update from me but not from our ship no seriously where is yeo been I mean joong ki showed up thanks to his agency but where is she ?

Back to the story this chapter will be in two parts This one and the next one

See yah soon

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