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Cha young just came out of Hong corp it was sometime around eight in the evening And decided to walk for a bit as she chose not to bring her car today

She was walking on the street with December's cold breeze hitting her face making her nose red

She felt someone behind her which made her instantly alarmed , she gripped her bag tightly prepared for any sort of attack

when that person grabbed her shoulder from behind she flinched and immediately turned and almost hit him on the head but that person dodged she was about to attack again but he held her forearms making her look at him as he said "ohhhhh stop it's me ...it's me Vincenzo "

She frowned at him and said "who on earth told you that it's ok to startle someone like that from behind , I almost got a heart attack Aish "

He smiled and said "sorry jagiya , come on I know you didn't bring your car today I'll take you home my car is parked somewhere from here "

"Is it far ? " she asked to which he nodded , her smile immediately stretched wide on her face making her look like the cutest thing to ever exist he couldn't help himself from pinching her cheeks "I know you well that's why I parked it far , kajja "

He put his arm around her shoulder pulling her near him as they walked together

"How's Young ro by the way ? Is she alright ?" He Asked

She shook her head and said " no she's still at home not wanting to go out she's still trying to process it , it's not easy at all "

"It really isn't , I hope she gets over soon "

"Yeah me too , also Soo ho is being amazing, he's really sweet " she said

"Don't talk about my best friend in front of me like that " he said

" well to be honest I don't really care if it ignites your jealousy Mr.Cassano " she said smiling he just hummed and smiled a bit he knows he is jealous

"RIGHT ..." she said in a very loud voice making him startled "gamjagiya !!!" he said

"I just remembered I've been wanting to ask , it somehow was stuck on my mind the entire day I couldn't get it off "

"What Is it ?" He asked

"Well when you ......well left me back then how did you stop yourself from calling me or coming to me or anything like that , because I mean for me I would stare at your number for hours trying not to call you until I had to delete it so I wouldn't , so what about you ?"

"Well it's not like I didn't I barely stopped myself I didn't do it but well ....  I almost did "

"Almost did ?" She asked "but you didn't "

"Aish why are we still talking about this I mean look where we are today so why dig it up " he said

"Forget it you can stick with that almost did aish " she said

He grabbed her hand and said "I mean seriously how can someone make a ring look this beautiful huh ? "

"I can " she said confidently, "that's why I guess , I love you Miss Hong cha young soon to be Cassano "

"I love you too Mr.Vincenzo Cassano " she smiled as he pecked her lips and put her hand in his coat pocked with his other hand still embracing her shoulder

"Let's go they are all waiting for us at your house , we need to set a date "

" let's go "


Author's note

Hello everyone wahhhhhhh it's over huh I don't know how I'm feeling right now
I tried my best to show what love really is between these two , and I hope I did well trying to do it

To be honest at first when I wanted to write this fanfic I wanted to do it about the actors , but I couldn't bring myself to do it for some reason

I'm emotionally attached to this story because it's my first , but it won't be my last hopefully, because I really enjoyed it

When I first wanted to do it I wanted to update regularly like I did when I first started but I got really busy

So hopefully that won't happen again , I'm thinking about my next story , I have a lot in mind and I'm really excited about it I'm gonna make it a priority that's why I'm postponing writing and posting it for a few weeks until I'm not busy anymore

So it'll take some weeks but It will come

Also I want to say thank you for all of you who supported me there is nothing more rewarding than reading your comments you guys really motivate me so thank you so much


See yah soon ( in my next one )


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