18-what happened ?

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Cha young left Vincenzo after getting a phone call from Di shik

what just happened she couldn't even process what he told her as the next thing she did was get on the next flight home

Why is everything so screwed up ?

That's what she kept thinking about

Cha young is nowhere to be found Vincenzo looked for her everywhere and young ro won't agree to tell him what happens he was going crazy thinking that if he had followed her out that night he would've known what happened

"Miss please tell me where she is " Vincenzo asked young ro for the hundredth time

"Sorry I can't " said young ro coldly you should struggle a bit to she thought

"Please I have to find her " he kept pleading following young re everywhere she's going

"STOP!  Who do you think you are huh stop doing this you're doing what you please but it'll end up with her being hurt again I know it "

Vin shook his head and looked at her "please miss I will never hurt her again, I promise if you're not going to tell me where she is at least tell me that she's alright "

She looked at him ,sighed and said "yes she is that's all I'm saying " and she turned around

"Thank you miss where can I ..."

"I'm not telling you so stop " she quickly left the room

I really hope you don't do it again , I hope she doesn't end up hurt again , I hope you too will be happy ,you deserve it too ... these thoughts kept lingering in her head

Her mind went back a year ago

A year ago

Cha young finally opened the door young ro have been coming here for the last four days she kept coming multiple times a day but no one opened the door

But today cha young finally did, young ro looked at her and was shocked what happened to her
She looked at her from head to toes she looked like a complete mess for other people it's normal but not for cha young who is always dressed neatly even at home

She was wearing an oversized hoodie with oversized sweats and hair tucked carelessly in a messy bun while her eyes looked tired

Her looking like this scared young ro so much she pushed her inside and out the food she brought with her in the dining table she walked over to cha quickly "what happened? Why didn't you answer my calls where were you ? I called so man..."she stopped when she saw cha's eyes filled with tears

This shocked her even more she knew something bad happened she hugged cha young for a long time as cha kept sobbing on her shoulder once she calmed down a bit she asked her again what happened

To which cha young replied " he left me "

She started crying again "he ...he said that he's not happy and he wanted to end our relationship " she said as she sobbed

Young ro was so mad at him right now how could he do this to her her best friend her boss her role model

All cha young ever did was be kind to people so why should she be treated like that

She hated the fact that cha young's love for him ended up hurting her

She hated seeing her best friend in pain The one who provided her work , a house ,emotional support and even helped her look for her dad

She was the best

Young ro stayed there even after cha young fell asleep she knew that if she gets out of this penthouse now she won't be able to control herself from going to Vincenzo and doing something bad

And she was afraid that cha young won't like it and also afraid it'll make cha look bad in front of others So she decided to just stay

to be honest she never thought that this would happen they love each other or loved maybe at least for him

And Du shik finally agreed to not object cha was even thinking about going back to Korea soon to tell her parents about him but it all went wrong

She looked at cha who was sleeping she truly felt sorry for her because when she finally found someone who made her happy and started dreaming of their future together..uhhhhh

She's mad now


Cha young went back to Seoul as soon as she arrived she went to the hospital

She asked the receptionist where she can find them

And ran there when she arrived she was greeted by the worst sight anyone can ever think of

Everyone was there they have been wanting a reunion for a long time but this was not the way they wanted it

She saw her parents sitting next to each other on the chairs provided with her mom crying and her sister carrying Sorin while her brother was comforting  hye jin who didn't stop crying on the floor

To be honest cha young was still shocked to even realize other people , they looked at her who just arrived and as she looked at hye jin once hye jin looked at her she started crying again saying "cha young ahh " she was sobbing now

Cha dropped everything in her hand and went to her knelt in front of her an hugged her while crying too

She kept stroking her hair and rubbing her back

These two girls were the closest to her she really was like a second mom to cha young

Both of them were remembering their memories with her and all the happy times together

How can this happen to her

She's supposed to be strong not give up that easily so she better fight in there

The doctor came out of the OR and they gathered around him while cha young and hye jin remained in their position on the floor too scared to listen to what he has to say

"Seo min young's family?" Said the doctor

"yes please tell us that she's alright doctor , when can we meet her "said Yu Chan

He looked at them shaking his head and said "we are sorry we did everything we could but we couldn't save her "

Their faces all turned pale hearing that while hye jin hugged cha and cried again cha young stayed still as if someone splashed cold water on her

This can't be true there is no way that she's gone there must be something wrong

Cha young didn't cry nore hug hye jin back as her brother was rubbing both their backs comforting  them

Everyone had tears in there eyes

To be continued....

Hi everyone
So I just decided to change my writing time not posting time I'll go back to my posting schedule after this chapter
Who is min young ? 🤔

See yah soon

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