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The question Du shik asked cha young kept lingering in her mind the whole day she decided to cancel all the plans she had and just went home and worked from there

Sori noticed her daughter acting weird so when she asked her what was wrong she didn't get an answer because cha young herself didn't know what was wrong with her and why that question suddenly gave her feelings she couldn't understand

the rest of the day she spent with her mom in the kitchen after giving Aunt Kim an off to see her son they decided to just make dinner together alone that surely took her mind off the unsettling feeling

she was sitting around the dinning table along with her mom , dad and brother who kept giving her looks as if telling her to tell them about you know who

at first she just ignored him but when he kept doing the whole time she hit his leg from under the table and it hurt him so bad but he still had to keep his mouth shut and only suffer in silence , and it worked considering he kept quite the rest of the dinner

while her dad was talking about the party the entire dinner and telling them that no one could skip it , cha young on the other hand really wanted to but her dad wouldn't let her since its the Lee family who are hosting it aish there is no way out then

after the whole dinner thing was over the maids were cleaning and everyone said goodnight heading to their rooms

Cha young was on her bed reading a few documents And reports regarding the project her urge to do it perfectly this time is so high that she doesn't even mind reading the documents over and over again she wants it to be perfect especially when HE is related to it and she really wants to impress him along with her dad And that thought alone made her restless

While reading them on her tablet her phone beeped she grabbed it from the nightstand and saw a text from none other than Vincenzo

I didn't see you I was at home for the rest of the day

She felt a little weird talking to him after all the hatred she tried to grow for him even though she failed miserably but still them being like this is all new to her she feels like she has to learn about him all over again , a part of her is a bit disappointed but she was still trying to understand her feelings towards the new found information about her boyfriend/ex  , one thing is for sure and it's that her feelings for him are only growing more

She sighed and decided to ignore the text she got up and went to the bathroom to shower , after remembering what they did this morning she couldn't help but feel hot and start blushing

The cold shower really helped her , but only for a few minutes because the next thing she knew is that she was in her bathrobe with her wet hair sitting on the edge of the bed debating wether to reply to him or not

finally she was able to make her heart strong and not reply to him

Hong Corp 5pm

Vincenzo came after finishing his work and also after signing a contract he started working since early morning to get them it over with so that he can get some time with cha young

So when he was going to her office someone called him he turned around and saw Yu Chan smiling at him vin quickly made his way towards him and greeted him warmly he's the father in law after all

"Mr.Hong how are you ? How's your health ?" Said Vincenzo smiling the warmest smile you'll ever see him wear

"I'm good Mr.Cassano ... Aigoo I'm old but doesn't mean I'm not health I go walking every day and take care of myself well , us the older generation we don't get sick easily not like you kids these days " said Yu Chan

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