35-where is she ?

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" what's wrong " cha young  said as her voice tumbled

Her parents stayed silent and the look of disappointment grew on their faces which made her heart sink to her stomach

"Eomma appa what's wrong ?"

" how could you do that ? Didn't you think about us how could you be so selfish?" Sori said

"Eomma what are you talking about ?"

"She's talking about YOU DATING AND GOING OUT WITH AN INVESTOR IN YOUR DAD'S COMPANY " Yu Chan was shouting not caring about anyone hearing

"What..." , "how could you do that to yourself we didn't even know that you two were together before so why did you accept ? How could our daughter do that to us and herself ? When did you plan on telling us that you are with Mr.mafia ?"

Oh shit they know everything she thought but that exact moment made her realize that she was really tired of everything going on

She just watched her parents rant at her , blame her and and be disappointed at her She didn't even know that her brother was sitting with them the entire time

" should I explain everything here too ?" She suddenly interrupted her dad and said ,

"Well if you care to " he said sarcastically, she looked at him and said "what if I'm tired of explaining why , what if I'm sick of it and don't want to do it anymore I'm a grown up too just because I'm the youngest doesn't mean that I'm a Child , can't I have something for me only ? , and you call that being selfish ? Just because I didn't tell you when at the same time I've only tried to please you my entire life "

"Fine you know what you're right I messed up by not telling you but I only found out the truth afew days ago so what do you expect me to do when all of this is confusing for me , I didn't ask for things to be like this either I knew that you would be angry but didn't expect you to be shaming me like that "

"You will leave him " her dad said

"Well we'll see about that " she said as she turned around and left room after a few seconds they heard the door slammed
She left

Her brother was about to follow her but his dad stopped him saying " she'll be back on her own "

While he just sighed angry at how he woke him up and forcing him to say the whole truth he felt bad towards cha

His phone beeped he looked at it and saw that it was cha young

Save the investment no matter what , that's the least you could do


The day went by still no cha young , Yu Chan called a meeting with Vincenzo who had no idea what was going on

The whole meeting they spent pulling Yu Chan who kept trying to punch vin , He tried canceling the agreement but Du shik really stood in his way saying that it's cha young's project

To which Yu Chan replied that it is his company and he has the upper hand in it and that no one has a right to object even if they were his own children

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