16-little girl

461 18 13

A year ago

Cha young was close to getting the project done soon even though she should've been done along time ago but she did a lot of things to extend the time of it for some reason

She was about to leave the office at night she checked her phone and saw that her massage to Vincenzo hasn't been replied to or even read

She sighed confused why isn't he replying that's not like him at all though he's always so quick to reply to her massages that she used to have to free her time to text him because when he replies instantly and they text for a long time even when they are about to meet the same day

She was getting confused she texted him since last night and he still hasn't replied
As she was about to get worried she decided to make an excuse for him that maybe he's busy he'll text her soon
Right of course he will he's Vincenzo

She picked up her coat and bag from the hanger after sending him another message and left the office it was so late that no one was at the office it was creepy

But cha young never found it like that since she's used to leaving this late and she was already preoccupied by Vincenzo's sudden change to even find it creepy

As she arrived at her penthouse she was greeted by a silhouette that snapped her out of her thoughts  as the figure became clearer she saw who it was it's her brother Du shik

She hasn't seen him since their fight a few months ago they haven't talked either

She was startled and only murmured "oppa ..."

After they settled in the living room and cha young brought tea for both of them
Neither of them talked for a while until Du shik finally did " you're right ,I'm sorry ,I'm sorry I was selfish and I'm sorry for what I said you deserve love it's just that ... I can't except it I felt like my little sister is being taken away from me "

She looked at him as his speech touched the most sensitive part of her
"Don't ever think that I'll ever see you as a grown up for me you're still the little girl who follows me around saying oppa oppa everywhere the same girl who never got bored or tired of getting bucket hats in every color , the same girl who no matter what she was feeling squeezed my hand three times every time I was stressed or scared ,you will forever be my little girl , uhhhhh I can't even imagine you as a grown up then what does dad say I mean this is hard do you know how hard I'm trying over here to control myself aish ..." he looked at her with tears in her eyes she looked at him and said nothing while leaning her head on his shoulder

"What's your future plans ?" Asked du shik

"I have no plans right now oppa , But what made you change your mind ?"

He stayed silent and then after some moments said ". Nothing I just realized that you deserve to be happy with who you love "

"Why don't you like Vincenzo ?" She asked

"I'm your brother I'm supposed to not like your ..... your .....aish I'm still not used to it " he said to convince her even though this wasn't the real reason why


It's been two weeks with no Vincenzo cha young was going crazy looking for him on top of that the project was in its final week of work and needed her full attention

Everything was driving her crazy where is he how could he disappear suddenly without even saying a word

After a week the project ended they will have a wrap up party tonight even though cha was not in the mood to celebrate anything Yoona forced her to go

She spend the whole night watching people dancing ,eating and drinking she was trying her best to stay away from drinks as she know that the moment she touches them things are going to get out of control

She was feeling so down right now it's been three weeks and he's no where to be found

Did she do something bad that it pushed him away ?
Is he alright ?

Later that night she was on the patio alone just thinking while she felt someone behind her she was startled and quickly turned around when she saw Him finally there he is

What's wrong with that look on your face Vincenzo?

To be continued ....

Hi everyone
So this is a short update because I considered it in tow parts this one and the next one

So stay tuned
See yah

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