Chapter 83: Miss Me?

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*Just thought I update a bit before I leave for school!

Niall’s P.O.V

I went over to the bar to get Liz and I more drinks.

Once I told the employee for my drinks someone grabbed my arm and spinned me around.

"Miss me?" Ella said.

I glared at her.

"What are you doing here?" I said.

"Just came to hang out with friends. Where is-what's her name. Fizzy?" she said.

"Lizzie" I corrected.

"She's not here with you? That's too bad. Maybe I could hang out with you if you'd like" she said putting her hand on my arm.

"No thanks. Lizzie is in the bathroom right now" i said. "

Great. Now she won't see this" she said.

She smacked her lips onto mine.

I stumbled backwards a bit.

I pushed her off of me.

"Get away from me you crazy person!" I yelled.

I saw Liz run across the dance floor and out of the club.

"LIZ! WAIT!" I yelled.

 But she was already outside.

I pushed passed some people and it out of the club.

The pap circle around me.

"Where are you going Niall?"

"Why did Liz leave without you"

"Did you two breakup?"


I saw that my car was gone.

Liz must of taken it! But how did she get my keys?


I left them in the car again!


I heard a crash just up ahead the road.

I hope that's not Liz!

I ran towards the crash.

Once I got there I gasped.

My car was in the middle of the street.

But there was another car on top.

"LIZ!" I yelled.

I was now crying running towards the car.

"Liz?! Can you hear me!?" I yelled.

I saw her sitting in the drivers seat.

Her eyes were closed and there was blood all over her forehead.

I sobbed.

"Liz?!" I yelled.

I unbuckled her seat belt.

I carefully took her out of the car.

I layed her down on the floor.

There were no other cars around.

No one else was around.

"Help! Please! Anyone! Please!" I yelled.

I looked down at Liz.

Her eyes were still closed and I couldn't tell if she was breathing.

I held onto her hand.

She's still warm.

"Please open your eyes. Please" I whispered.


I sobbed quietly.

No one else was around.

No one was here to help.

I can't stay here forever.

I picked her up.

I started running for the nearest hospital.

Once I got there I was breathing heavily.

"Help! She was in a car crash! Help! Please" I yelled.

Doctors came rushing to me.

I late her down on the little bed thingy they brought.

"What happend?" the doctor said.

"She was in a car crash" I said still crying.

He nodded and checked her pulse.

"We better get her into the other room. She lost a lot of blood" the doctor said.

They took her away.

I ran after them.

But another doctor stopped me.

"No! Please I need to be with her! Liz!" I yelled.

By now a bunch of doctors were trying to calm me down.

"Let go! I need to see her!" I yelled.

This is all my fault.

Why couldnt God have taken my life instead of hers.

I need my Liz back.


Niall Horan Is My Guitar Teacher?!? *editing*Where stories live. Discover now