Chapter 12: First Date Gone Bad???

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Lizzie's P.O.V

"So where are we going?" Niall asked.

"I'm not saying. Can we make this our first date?" I asked.

"Sure. But I thought you would want like a picnic or like go to a restaurant." he said.

"Well i'm not that type of girls. I do like to go on those type of dates but on first dates I like to go like to Mcdonalds or something in the middle of the night to just have fun" I said.

"Weirdo" he said.

"Thank you" I said over dramatically.

We laughed and we walked up to a McDonalds.

We walked in and no one was here.

Only a guy behind the cash register looking very bored and tired.

We walked up to him and Niall said "What would you like?"

"Um...One McChicken with no mayo, Eight piece chicken nuggets, fries and a oreo McFlurry." I said.

The guy behind the register, Max, stared at me weirdly.

"What? I love food" I said.

Niall laughed.

"Okay then. We will have Three McChickens with no mayo, 20 piece chicken nuggets, two large fries and two oreo McFlurrys" Niall said.

"Your order will be ready in a couple of minutes" Max said bored out of his mind.

I looked around the place and there was a playground.


I grabbed his arm and dragged him there.

The playground was like heaven for me.

There was a ball pit!

"THERES A BALL PIT!" I yelled.

I ran to it and cannon balled into it.

Niall laughed and did the same.

I threw a ball at him and it hit him in the face.

"Oh no you didn't" he said.

"Oh yes I did" I said.

He threw a ball at me but I dodged it.

I stuck my tongue out at him.

"Thats it" He said.

He tackled me to the ground.

We were now buried.

I stood up and ran away from him.

We were running around throwing the plastic balls when a group of teenagers came into Mcdonalds.

They looked familiar.

They looked at me and smirked.

I remember them from somewhere but I can't figure it out.

"Whats wrong?" Niall asked.

"I think I know them but. I can't figure it out" I said.

"Lets go get our food. I think its ready" He said.

I nodded and we walked out of the playroom.

I stared at those teenagers and they stared at me.

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