Bound to you

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Bound to you

By fate and

By love

Refusing to

Admit it

To anyone

Even myself

Bound to you

By the past

And by hope

Unaware of

How much it

Hurts to be

Without each


The pull of

Fate and love

Is strong

It keeps us

Together after

All of this time

No matter how

Much I don't

Want to admit

It at all

I love you

With all my


I know by the pull

And the fact that when

I'm far away enough

The hole in my heart

Returns and doesn't leave

Terrified by the

The unknown

Future to come

Terrified of

Falling even more

Terrified of

The chance

Of getting hurt

But I am trapped

In loving you with

All of my heart

Form this moment

On until the end of

Time even if we don't

Last at all

I will be forever

Bound to you

The Unknown Us (poems)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora