Thank you

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  • Dedicated to Alton Wiggan

Happy late Fathers Day


You came when 

That man decided

To leave us

I know you 

More than I 

Do him

You have been

There since the 

Start at least

That's what I think

You have helped

In raising the

Two of us

But not because 

You had to

But because you 

Wanted to

And for that

I thank you

I thank you for 

Always being there

For me in my Life

I thank you for

Treating me like

I am your actual 


Thank you for all

The advise that 

You give me

Thank you for

Loving me 

Like I am 

A part of your


Thank you

For everything you 

Are doing for me

and Everything you 

Will do for me

But most importantly

Thank you for 

Being my Father

Figure for all these

Years while my

Actual Dad hasn't

Been there for me

Even though

You are a pain

In the butt 

I do love you 

And I am Glad that 

You are in my life

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