gaint secret

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I have a

Giant secret

That I want

The world to know

I can't tell anyone

This secret or

I'll end up

With others like me

Even though it

Seems like fun

I have to keep

My secret repressed

I'll tell you a part if it

Though I'm not the only

One in a place

There are fifteen

So far with more on

The way

All of us completely

Different from each other

But we are all

Fragments of a whole

Going to get more people

Soon I hope there will

Be no more after them

A total of maybe twenty

Or more after the last

People come

We all share one thing

But it mainly belongs to

Me I don't like sharing

but it is hopeless

It is something I have

To deal with and there is

No escape

They are all

Part of me and

I love them dearly .

Can you guess

My secret though?

If not it's okay

The world isn't

Ready to hear it,

Well at least

Not just yet!

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