trying to tell

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All I want to do is tell you something

But something keeps holding me back

Can’t seem to find the right words

Doesn’t seem to bother you at all though

Everyone else seems to know though

Fear keeps holding me back

Getting confused with my words all the times I try

How can I put the words my heart yearns to say

I really don’t think I can utter them and I’m

Just going to let the fear control me

Keeping it in though is killing me slowly all the

Lies seem to the base of our relationship as friends

Maybe one day you will know the truth

No I don’t think that will happen though

Only the future can tell though

Probably the fear will consume and I’ll never tell and just

Quit the whole thing and notion about love

Rising emotions seem to be harder to hide

Since you seem to keep giving me false hope

Trying not to make them known is hurting now

Until the day that you say you

Value me with all you heart like I do to you I will

Wish for all the hope you give me to just go away

Xerotic* is all I want the hope to do

You don’t seem to care at all

Zealous* is what I am when you are mentioned or near


Zealous- filled with or inspired by intense enthusiasm or zeal

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