Tired Of Everything

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  • Dedicated to Anyone ever feeling tired of the world and people bull shit

I am so sick and tired of

Everything that you have

Ever put me through

I am so tired of the

You make me 

Want to feel guilty

Over things that I

Have no damn control over

I am so damn tired of

The fact I am your damn

Daughter but I feel more

Like the help nothing

More than a servant

I am tired of 

Feeling like shit

I am tired of feeling

Like I don't belong

I am so tired

Of feeling like 

Its your job to 

Put up with me 

I am so tired of all the

Pain and sadness I kept

Hiding from the world

I am completely tired of

Pretending to BE 

Something I am NOT

I am so tired

Of crying myself 

To sleep every night

For so many years

I am tired of the fact

I purposely cut myself

To feel like I have control

Of something in my life

I am tired of people

Treating me like shit

I am tired and

Hate being called







Even though I

Know that every

Word is true

I am tired of all

Those insults

And more

I am so tired of all the

Abuse that I felt from

You and everyone else

 In all reality you

And the world treat

Me like I am some kind

Of freak 

I am tired of not being

Happy anymore but when

I think about it I can never

Remember one time 

When I was  truly happy

ALL I remember

Is all the Physical

And mental abuse

I am tired the fact 

I feel so ugly and

A whole bunch of other

Things  cant take a complement

I am so tired of

My "family" being 

The first to judge me

My real family

Doesn't exist

I feel alone no

Matter what people

Try telling me

I am "Loved"

By so many

But I am still

Lonely no matter what

I am so tired

Of being a 

Burden to 


I am tired

Of not being


I am just so

Tired of 

The lost hope

My missing childhood

My missing happiness

The feeling of hate

The pain and sadness

I am just tired of this 

Mad world and

Every one in it

I am so sick

And tired of


I am so tired

That I just 

Want to end it all

But something

Is pulling me back

When I finally do 

Hopefully I will be 

Happy and I will

Have nothing evil

To deal with

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